Souza, Alcian Pereira deNogueira, Rodrigo Rodrigues2023-03-082024-09-062023-02-082023-03-082021-07-14 present work intends to analyze the changes at the state level regarding the procurement and contracting procedures as of the effectiveness of State Decree No. 42,100 of March 23, 2020, which instituted the state of public calamity in the State of Amazonas covering until December 31, 2020, and Law No. 13,979 of February 6, 2020, emphasizing the possible advantages and disadvantages of said changes in procedures bids. The methodology followed a precept of deductive research, which will have three stages specific, with the carrying out of documentary surveys such as publications, articles, magazines, books and other information relevant to the subject. In a first moment it dealt with the norms and procedures related to the bidding procedure, specifically, of the waiver of bidding provided for in art. 4 of Federal Law No. 13,979/2020; right away we sought to quantitatively determine the data relating to purchases and contracts government agencies, through information extracted from the transparency portal of the State Secretariat of Finance of Amazonas (SEFAZ), and, soon after, some of the advantages and disadvantages of adopting these new procedures. Finally, it was concluded that despite the sudden changes that occurred in all spheres, the federal and state entities, through their regulations, sought to make the bidding procedure more flexible, foreseeing the exemption from bidding while the pandemic lasts. Such acts changed the dynamics of bidding in our country, in favor of not only public health, but also the interest public.Acesso AbertoCalamidade públicaPublic calamityProcedimento licitatóriobidding procedureDecreto EstadualState DecreeAquisições diretas de bens e serviços pelo do estado do Amazonas durante a pandemia da COVID-19: utilidade ou ineficácia?Direct acquisitions of goods and services by the state of Amazonas during the COVID-19 pandemic: usefulness or ineffectiveness?Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoDireito