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Such conceptions should be regarded as personal constructions, that the teacher has a duty to seek to know, understand, and appreciate to decide what to do and how to do your teaching, along the study of a topic. Taking this for basis, this work aims to identify the alternative conceptions on the theme: bacteria in twenty-five sixth grade students from a public school in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina. The research is qualitative nature and the instrument for data collection consists of a questionnaire where the results obtained were tabulated. In conclusion, to understand how the quotidian and the media influence in conceptions of children can be a decisive factor in the conceptions of science by children. Must be goal of professor to use teaching strategies that allow to identifying the alternative concepts of students, and to think in learning activities that can establish significant relationships between conceptions of students and the scientific knowledge. Keywords: Bacteria. Science Teaching. Alternative Conceptions. Human Health.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilériaEnsino de CiênciasConcepções AlternativasSaúde HumanaA importância das concepções alternativas na apropriação do conhecimento a aplicação no estudo de bactérias no ensino fundamental e suas implicações para a saúde humanaThe importance of alternatives conception in appropriation of knowledge: the application in the study of bacteria in an elementary school and its implications for human healthArtigo de PeriódicoCiências