Teles, Luciano Everton CostaCosta, Vitor Mateus Daniel da2022-01-122024-09-012022-01-112022-01-122021-12-13 is a colonized country, and simultaneous with the process of colonization there was the marginalization of the native peoples who were mistakenly called of Indians and consequently suffered from the historical.This work wants to know and describe the historical processes of occupation and formation of the indigenous territories of the Middle Solimões River region, taking the municipality of Tefé. The overall objective of this research is to study the ways in which memory and documentary and indigenous narratives inhabitants in villages in the rural area of the municipality are mobilized as political instruments in claims proceedings by right to the territory and ethnic affirmation. To this do so, the research is guided by qualitative data collection tools, using data collection tools of a bibliographic and documentaryAcesso Abertohistóriasstoriespovos indígenasindigenous peoplesterritóriosterritoriesTeféTeféHistória e Territórios: o lugar dos nativos na construção da cidade de Tefé e os assentamentos indígenasHistory and Territories: the place of the natives in the construction of the city of Tefé and the indigenous settlementsTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso