Passos, Yara dos Santos CostaAndrade, Lorena Cavalcanti Neves de2023-08-072024-09-062023-06-152023-08-072023-03-28ANDRADE, Lorena Cavalcanti Neves de. Freestyle Hip Hop Dance: a concretude dos fundamentos no estilo. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharel em Dança). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2023. research seeks to expose and exemplify the historical contexts that involve Hip Hop Freestyle, deconstructing the idea that social dances (nomenclaturas) of language are main or essential factors for the functioning, visual and corporal recognition of the style, where theoretical methods were found practices that can be used to apply such concerns. Terminological factors are added and described, establishing connections between the facts that the culture permeates. The main objectives are to bring more information about the movement to the academic field, providing greater historical knowledge about specific segments of culture, realizing and bringing possibilities of greater autonomy for individual or group training, with experiments within organic variables, discovering ways endless body movements of Freestyle Hip Hop Dance practitioners. The main reference in this study comes from Bianchini’s research (2021;2023).Acesso AbertoHip Hop FreestyleBounceGrooveDanças VernacularesCulturaVernacular DanceCultureFreestyle Hip Hop Dance: a concretude dos fundamentos no estiloTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoArtesDança