Souza, Gabriel Willyan Pinheiro deSilva, Brenda Lago2024-10-032024-10-032024-09-272024-10-032024-07-25SILVA, Brenda Lago. Fração nos acordes: o uso de partituras musicais para contextualizar o ensino frações em uma escola Estadual da cidade de Parintins-AM, 2024. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Licenciatura em Matemática). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins. 2024. qualitative study was developed with the aim of investigating how the integration of musical scores in mathematics classes can contribute to the understanding of sentences by students at a state school in the city of Parintins-AM. The participants were 14 students in the 6th year of elementary school and the mathematics teacher responsible for this course. Techniques such as systematic observation, document analysis, semi-structured interviews, consultation developed with an approach based on contextualization and mixed questioning were used to construct the data that are analyzed through triangulation. The results indicate that musical scores are not mere symbols; In fact, we represent musical structures expressed through phrases. Students demonstrate interest and satisfaction in this connection between mathematics and music, highlighting the relevance of music as an ally in the process of teaching and learning mathematical concepts.Acesso AbertoContextualizaçãoPartituras musicaisFraçõesFração nos acordes: o uso de partituras musicais para contextualizar o ensino frações em uma escola Estadual da cidade de Parintins-AMFractions in chords: the use of musical scores to contextualize the teaching of fractions in a state school in the city of Parintins-AMTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso