Júnior, Edival Ferreira de Oliveira2020-06-252024-09-262020-06-262020-06-252018-07-12https://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/5965The objective of this study is to collect and analyze data regarding FHAJ hospitalization demand in the Medical Clinic, observing the variety of diagnoses, the conduction of the cases as well as their outcomes, and to associate these data with the medical education process that takes place in this place. Such as analyzing the profile of hospitalizations in the FHAJ medical clinic teaching beds, identifying the main diagnoses, the profile of patients hospitalized at this institution, the costs generated, and the outcome of the cases. From its results, it is possible to divulge to the medical class the need to better select the cases to be sent to this teaching hospital in order to enrich the knowledge with several diagnoses, as well as to create a statistic for the hospital itself, showing the profile Of patients assisted and to draw a functional profile of this institution.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasilhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/br/Clínica médicaInternaçõesDiagnosesPacientesCasos clínicosPerfil de internação dos leitos da residência em clínica médica da Fundação Hospital Adriano Jorge no ano de 2007Artigo de PeriódicoCiências da saúde