Aikawa, Monica SilvaLima, Gabriela da Silva2023-08-242024-09-082023-08-242022-06-02LIMA, Gabriela da Silva. O alfabetizar, a BNCC e minha formação docente. 2022. 52 f. TCC (Graduação em Pedagogia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus. and writing appear in my daily life when I start school, just as they do in other people's lives. other people and at that moment in my life, I feel very excited about entering the world of letters. the world of letters. As I continue my Pedagogy course, I think back to that first experience with literacy. with literacy, I think about them in relation to my new learning about pedagogical practice and literacy methodology and I begin to look at them in a different way. In the midst of this initial in Pedagogy, we come into contact with public policy issues and certain acronyms permeate this time: LDBEN, DCNE, etc. LDBEN, DCNEB, BNCC, RCA, among others. Thus, the general objective of this research revolved around reflect on the literacy discourses present in the BNCC and their relationship with the reality of local children, based on my of local children, from my perspective as an assistant teacher in initial training. In order to do this, we used the tools of autobiographical narrative research, bringing up small facts that were remarkable in my school and academic training, searching my memories for these emerging events (LARROSA, 2002) with literacy, placing myself in front of myself as a student and teacher. In the theoretical discussion on the subject, I relied on Freire (2011), Soares (2006), Kleiman (1995), among others. Among the memories and reflections on literacy, I find myself practices centered on the processes of coding and decoding, in which the context of the children is not in which the children's context is hardly taken into account, the social use of language is neglected. for a different kind of literacy. KEYWORDS: Literacy. Teacher training. Autobiographical narrative research.Acesso AbertoAlfabetizaçãoFormação docentePesquisa narrativa autobiográficaLiteracyTeacher trainingAutobiographical narrative researchO alfabetizar, a BNCC e minha formação docenteLiteracy, the BNCC and my teacher trainingTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoEnsino aprendizagemAlfabetizaçãoFormação docente