Canan, Felipe2024-04-122024-09-062024-04-122024-04-122024-04-12CANAN, Felipe. Jogos esportivos de disputa de bola: jogos de bola a uma área específica. Guia funcional dos jogos esportivos de bola v. 3. Manaus (AM): editora UEA, 2024.978-85-7883-649-8 third volume of the "Functional Guide to Ball Sports Games" collection, whose main target audience is Physical Education teachers and students and sports enthusiasts in general, aims to learn about, catalog and describe as many ball sports games as possible. At the same time, it seeks to understand, analyze and systematize the functional logic and the factors that bring these games closer together and further apart. In other words, the aim is to find out what ball sports games are, what they are and how they are.Acesso AbertoJogos esportivosJogos de bolaÁrea específicaJogos esportivos de disputa de bola: jogos de bola a uma área específicaSports games of ball vie: ball games in a specific areaLivro