Aguiar, Denison MeloBarboza, João Paulo de Souza2019-12-102024-10-022019-12-042019-12-102018-12-10 potentiality of mediation to serve as a mechanism capable of increasing indigenous peoples in agrarian conflicts, so as to arrive at decisions that increase your quality of life. This analysis is done by describing the concepts keys to agrarian mediation, involving what mediation is and what method should be be applied; what are indigenous peoples; what are the characteristics of an agrarian conflict; it's the self-determination and how to achieve it in the context of indigenous people who do not intend threaten the sovereignty of their national state. The study goes deeper into what they are and at which point do indigenous and non-indigenous views of the land conflict and a parallel between Brazilian and Andean constitutional treatment of indigenous autonomy. Per Finally, reasoning is developed as to what are the limits of state jurisdiction in a post-globalization and mediation itself, as originally thought.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilçãoMediationAutodeterminaçãoSelf determinationPovos IndígenasIndian peopleA mediação como uma forma de assegurar o direito fundamental à autodeterminação dos povos indígenasMediation as a means of ensuring the fundamental right to self-determination of indigenous peoplesTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso