Araújo, Clodoaldo PiresAraújo, Ana Angélica Pantoja2022-06-082024-08-302022-06-072022-06-082022-05-24 article presents a descriptive qualitative research. The objective of the research is to identify the causes and consequences of the difficulties faced by teachers and students of the 9th year of Elementary School, in the teaching and learning of mathematics during emergency remote classes in 2020 and 2021, a period of intensification of the covid-19 pandemic. 19. The methodological procedures were through structured and semi-structured interviews with 2 teachers and 7 students from two State Schools in Parintins/Am, data analysis followed the inductive method. The main difficulties of teachers and students were the lack of preparation in handling digital platforms, internet and cell phone access. The teaching resources were the WhatsApp application, video lessons, textbooks and handouts. The research gains relevance due to the possibility that its results point out flaws and indicate possibilities for improving mathematics teaching mediated by technological platforms in situations that require social distancing.Acesso AbertoMatemáticaEnsino-AprendizagemAulas RemotasAulas remotas emergenciais: um retrato das dificuldades de estudantes e professores de matemáticaEmergency remote classes: a portrait of the difficulties of mathematics students and teachersTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso