2020-08-032024-09-262020-08-012020-08-032020-08-019786587214009https://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/5701This book is, for the most part, the result of oral communications made between May 30 and June 2, 2018, at the NORMAL SUPERIOR SCHOOL / UEA, on the occasion of the II International Week of Classical Studies of Amazonas-SECLAM, whose theme was “Education, language and teaching: the (re) construction of the role of the educator of Antiquity to our day ”. These are 23 texts, divided into 4 parts, which seek, in their vast majority, delineate a lucid panorama on the theme “education” throughout centuries, discussing their path, relationships, practices, concepts, manifestations and reception. The first part - called “Incursion into teaching issues in Antiquity Classical ”- deals specifically with themes related to ancient education, punctuating characteristics of the Greco-Roman world in several literary genres. The second part, entitled “Educational dialogues and other paradigms”, seeks to highlight the ways classic themes can reach contemporary thinking about teaching / learning, both ancient and modern languages, under their respective postulates inherent to the context in which the educational process develops. THE third part, “Excursus literário: manifestations and receptions”, opens space for works that prioritize ancient literature in its contemporary, medieval prerogatives and, as is to be expected, today, as a way of showing the perennial dialogue with the modern culture. Finally, the last part, “Amazonas: language and poetry”, presents two works that trigger research carried out in these fields, in Amazonas. The texts were submitted to an egregious scientific committee, which evaluated them very strict, guaranteeing the quality of this collection, whose authors - all masters, masters, doctoral students, doctors, as well as researchers and professionals - illuminated the 2018 event with pertinent and interesting questions and reflections that they are now available to the academic community and other interested parties. This book also had the kind collaboration of one of the greatest scholars in the Portuguese language of the world, the Brazilian philologist and grammarian Evanildo Bechara, who, invited to the II SECLAM opening conference, unfortunately he could not be present, but sent his text, which opens the subsequent ones. We thank everyone who contributed to this publication and look forward to new contributions to future events.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasilhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/br/LinguagemAntiguidadeEstudoParadigmas educacionais: a antiguidade Grego - Romana em diálogoLivro