Bastos, Moisés PereiraMarques, Kathrian de França2024-07-172024-09-082024-07-202024-07-172021-12-20 on the areas of home automation and mobile robotics, this project presents a technological solution to help clean the floor in residential environments. Analyzing daily life at home, there is a need to automate repetitive and tiring tasks, aiming to optimize the use of time spent and, consequently, increase the comfort of users. This project aimed to model and develop a prototype of a mobile robot to be designed to vacuum solid dirt and dust on the floor of domestic environments. Additive manufacturing was proposed in the construction of mechanical parts of the robot chassis, to integrate with the electronic sensing and control systems. The processing and control system was carried out by the Arduino platform, which provides hardware and free software solutions for prototyping automation systems accessible at low cost. The applicability of the robot is restricted to domestic environments with flat horizontal dry floors. At the end of the project, the result was a functional prototype of a mobile robot capable of suctioning dirt and dust from the floor and moving with certain autonomy in a simple domestic environment. The robot is designed to avoid obstacles, walls and steps.Acesso AbertoAutomaçãoRobótica MóvelSistemas EmbarcadosAutomationMobile RoboticsEmbedded SystemsRobô móvel aspirador autônomo para ambientes domésticosAutonomous mobile vacuum cleaner for domestic environmentsTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoAutomação Eletrônica de Processos Elétricos e Industriais