Anjos, Amanda Lira dosFortuna, Rayane TavaresRotta, Jeane Cristina Gomes2021-05-142024-09-102021-05-052021-05-142020-07-03 used in the final years of elementary school usually present a fragmented approach to contents, favoring a more biological perspective of knowledge, to the detriment of the Chemistry and Physics contents. This emphasis may prejudice Science teaching and learning under a more integrative and interdisciplinary aspect. The aim of this work was to analyze and identify whether three Science textbooks used in the eighth grade of elementary school focus on Chemistry contents and have an interdisciplinary approach to Natural Sciences, as is advised for this segment. The methodology used was documentary analysis and the Content Analysis technique. The results showed that the analyzed textbooks superficially insert some Chemistry content in the subjects approached. However, a more biological approach to subjects and fragmented contents persist.Acesso AbertoAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasil de químicaEnsino FundamentalInterdisciplinaridade e o ensino de química em livros de ciências do oitavo anoArtigo de PeriódicoEducação