Torné, Israel GondresAssunção, Patrick Da Silva2024-09-242024-09-302024-09-272024-09-242024-02-08 paper presents a comprehensive study of the secondary protection of a substation in a horizontal residential condominium. The main objective is to guarantee the safety and proper functioning of the electrical system, minimizing the risk of failures and damage to equipment. The object of the study therefore consists of analyzing the substation's secondary protection, which includes the protection devices used, such as relays, circuit breakers and monitoring systems. In addition, the methodology adopted in this study was based on a literature review to understand the theoretical concepts and standards in force relating to the secondary protection of substations, as well as an analysis and survey of the electrical system of the residential condominium, considering the load demanded, the topology of the system and the existing equipment. Finally, the results of the study will be presented with graphs, diagrams and tables, so that a conclusion can be drawn about the study as a whole. This study highlights the need for investment in secondary protection for substations in residential condominiums, in order to guarantee a quality electricity supply to residents. The use of suitable relays and protection devices, together with advanced monitoring systems, helps to prevent faults and reduce the downtime of the electrical system, promoting greater safety and efficiency.Acesso AbertoProteção secundáriaSubestaçãoDispositivos de proteçãoSistema elétrico de potênciaSecondary protectionSubstationEstudo de proteção secundária de subestação visando garantir a qualidade do fornecimento de energia elétrica aos consumidoresTrabalho de Conclusão de CursoMedição, Controle, Correção e Proteção de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência