Rio, Daniel Guzman DelCastro, Ed Wilson Queiroz de2023-02-072024-09-302023-02-062023-02-072022-10-14 work presents a study of energy efficiency of the State Unit of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics located in Manaus, Amazonas, encompassing the establishment of measures that provide an increase in energy efficiency and reduction of electricity consumption, a lighting study and analysis of the impacts of installing solar panels. First, concepts related to energy efficiency, tariff analysis, lighting standards and photovoltaic solar energy will be presented. Then, the methodology used to determine the study parameters is presented, as well as all the steps of interpretation and reading performed on the data collected. Finally, the results obtained from the study of energy efficiency, the lighting study and the final considerations on the methods of economic analysis of the installation of solar panels using the methods of Capital Return and Net Present Value are described.Acesso AbertoEficiência EnergéticaEstudo LuminotécnicoEnergia Solar FotovoltaicaEnergy EfficiencyLighting StudyPhotovoltaic Solar EnergyEstudo de viabilidade técnica e econômica para aumento de eficiência energética na unidade estadual do IBGE do AmazonasTechnical and economic feasibility study to increase the energy efficiency at the Amazonas State IBGE unit.Trabalho de Conclusão de CursoTransmissão da Energia Elétrica, Distribuição da Energia Elétrica