Araújo, Clodoaldo PiresDias, Eva Maria Pereira2024-10-032024-10-032024-10-022024-10-032024-07-26DIAS, Eva Maria Pereira. Percepções sobre as contribuições do programa de residência pedagógica e do estágio supervisionado na formação do professor de matemática, 2024. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Licenciatura em Matemática) . Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins. 2024. article aims to understand the perceptions about the contributions of the PRP and the Supervised Internship in the training of mathematics teachers. To achieve this goal, we sought to analyze the different perceptions about the contribution of the Pedagogical Residency Program and the Supervised Internship in the training of mathematics teachers through the methodological path based on qualitative research. The techniques used to obtain data were through participant observation, an open questionnaire conducted with interns, residents, graduates and teachers of Basic Education. The results obtained indicate that it is of paramount importance that the student has knowledge of the programs and mandatory disciplines that contribute to the initial training, help in the development and acclimatization of the student to the area of activity related to the school of basic education, being able to provide a better immersion of the student.Acesso AbertoFormação InicialEstágio SupervisionadoPrograma de Residência PedagógicaPercepções sobre as contribuições do programa de residência pedagógica e do estágio supervisionado na formação do professor de matemáticaPerceptions about the contributions of the pedagogical residency program and supervised internship in the training of mathematics teachersTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso