ENS - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Aplicação do Geogebra no ensino aprendizagem de máximos e mínimos da função quadrática na 1ª série do ensino médio
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-18) Ribeiro, João da Cruz
    Com o intuito de melhorar o ensino e a aprendizagem da Matemática nas Escolas Públicas, buscando investigar, tornar mais compreensível e interessante o estudo da Função Quadrática nos pontos de Máximo e Mínimo utilizando ferramentas tecnológicas como o programa GEOGEBRA. Desta forma, atrair e despertar o interesse dos alunos e consequentemente o conhecimento à aquisição de competências, consolidando a preparação para o exercício da cidadania e propiciando a formação básica para o trabalho, a luz das Diretrizes Curriculares do Ensino Médio. A pesquisa foi feita no mês de julho de 2015 na Escola Estadual Antônio Lucena Bitencourt na 1ª série do Ensino Médio, consta de duas situações-problemas voltadas para Economia (despesas e lucros) e o Esporte (distância máxima de um arremesso). Dada duas funções, os alunos resolveram algebricamente e confirmaram, visualizando os resultados algébricos e gráficos no computador, por meio do programa GEOGEBRA, proporcionando assim uma melhoria na aprendizagem dos alunos, visto que os mesmos tiveram a oportunidade de visualizar de maneira concreta o resultado do problema.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Aplicabilidade do software Geogebra no ensino das operações com matrizes na segunda série do ensino médio
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-17) Mendonça, Francisco Lúcio de Lira
    O presente artigo tem por finalidade apresentar subsídios coletados de uma pesquisa aplicada, no intuito de inserir o uso das Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (NTICs) no ensino das operações com Matrizes. Esta pesquisa baseia se na linha de estudo das NTICs no ensino da matemática, por meio do software GeoGebra para resolução de operações com matrizes, esse software auxiliou na compreensão de diversas situações e desenvolveu o raciocínio lógico matemático dos alunos. Esta pesquisa é de natureza básica com característica descritiva, abordagem qualitativa, quanto aos procedimentos é uma pesquisa-ação. A pesquisa foi realizada na Escola Estadual Inspetora Dulcineia Varela Moura, localizado à Rua Ianomâmi s/n bairro Novo Israel na zona norte da cidade de Manaus, com alunos da segunda série do Ensino Médio no universo de 30 alunos, no mês de agosto do corrente ano, com a disciplina Matemática. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, durante a pesquisa foram aplicados questionários com perguntas fechadas e abertas aos alunos, sobre o tema em questão. Ao final de doze aulas com duração de 50 minutos cada, foi aplicado uma avaliação com objetivo de investigar qual o conceito dado pelos alunos a respeito do uso da ferramenta tecnológica e o software educacional GeoGebra para melhor assimilação dos conteúdos propostos. Os dados coletados foram tabulados transformados em gráficos e tabelas para melhor análise dos mesmos, permitindo concluir que a utilização de recursos tecnológicos em sala de aula pode facilitar o processo de aprendizagem, pois muda a rotina das aulas e estimula os alunos nas atividades propostas.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Os fenícios da América: o território e a organização socioespacial dos Omágua da Amazônia dos séculos XVI e XVII e nos dias atuais
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-08) Lopes, Felipe Ribeiro da Silva; Campos, Iolanda Aida de Medeiros; Mourão, Maria Helena Carvalho; Conceição, Francilene Sales da
    This research addressed the territoriality and socio-spatial organization of the Omágua people in the Amazon, exploring the 16th and 17th centuries, in addition to examining contemporary reality. The general objective was to understand the process of production of the Amazonian space by the Omáguas. To achieve this purpose, the specific objectives included the identification of the socio-spatial development techniques used by the Omágua people, the critical analysis of the conquest of their territories by the colonizers and the comparison of the Omágua territories in the 16th and 17th centuries with the present day. The methodology adopted was of a dialectical nature, characterized as basic research with a qualitative approach. The methodological procedures included fieldwork, interviews and preparation of maps. This research is justified by the investigation of the territory and territoriality of the original peoples. The research's guiding question aims to understand how the "Phoenicians of America" developed their territory. The time frame was the 16th and 17th centuries and the present day and the spatial frame was limited to Aldeia Tururucari-Uka located in the rural area of Manacapuru-AM. The results revealed that in the 16th and 17th centuries, the Omáguas organized their territoriality into chiefdoms, going through a process of deterritorialization and subsequent reterritorialization into Religious Missions. Currently, the Omáguas are organized in villages, such as Aldeia Tururucari-Uka, seeking to reaffirm their ethnicity and culture in the territory. In the final considerations, it is highlighted that, nowadays, the Omáguas exercise their territoriality through ethnic and territorial reaffirmation in villages, such as Aldeia Tururucari-uka. In this context, they develop cultural, social and economic activities to consolidate their presence and identity in the territory. The study contributes to the understanding of the evolution of Omágua territoriality over the centuries, highlighting the transformations and challenges faced by the people in preserving their culture and territory. Keywords: Omágua Community, Territoriality, Chiefdoms, Deterritorialization, Reterritorialization.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Território da educação do campo na Amazônia Ribeirinha do Estado do Amazonas-Brasil
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-15) Marinho, Franklin Cruz; Conceição, Francilene Sales da; Oliveira Neto, Thiago; Campos, Iolanda Aida de Medeiros
    The "people of the Amazonian countryside" have specific social, economic, cultural and environmental characteristics. Any policy aimed at the educational demands of these populations needs to start with an understanding of their way of life. With this in mind, this monograph discusses the relationships that these individuals establish between the school and the territory in which they live, as well as observing whether teaching, especially geography, dialogues with the social, economic, environmental and cultural reality in which they are inserted. Based on this, the general objective of this work is to analyze the territory of Rural Education in the Riverside Amazon in the Jandira Community, which is located in the municipality of Iranduba in the state of Amazonas, Western Amazon, considering the strategies of struggle, resistance and didactic-pedagogical challenges for teaching geography in rural schools. And the specific objectives are: to understand the social movements of struggle and resistance in the territory of rural education in Brazil and in the riverside Amazon; to understand the didactic-pedagogical ways of thinking about rural education and geography teaching in the Amazon, especially in the state of Amazonas; to analyze the territorial strategies of struggle, resistance and the challenges of rural education in geography teaching in the riverside Amazon of the municipality of Iranduba-AM. The research question asked the following questions: What relationships do those involved in this type of education establish between the school and the territory in which they live? What are the struggles and resistance strategies of rural education in the riverside Amazon? Does geography teaching engage with the social, economic, environmental and cultural reality of the students? Methodologically, we opted for qualitative research, with contributions from elements of the dialectical method. From this perspective, interviews and photographic records were taken based on a specific case: a municipal school located in a riverside community in the municipality of Iranduba/AM. The research was preceded by a bibliographical and documentary survey and analysis of the subject and the reality/object of discussion. Based on the adoption of appropriate methodologies for teaching Geography in Rural Education, it was found that the teacher of the subject uses strategies that dialog with the social, economic, environmental and cultural reality of the students. Regarding the territory, there are no public policies for the population, but rather government actions that are not very effective for the reality of these riverside dwellers, who are at the mercy of the goodwill of those in power. In order to break with this fact, it is necessary to implement public education policies that are capable of thinking about education based on the identity and reality of the riverside territory in the direction proposed by the Rural Education Policy. What follows is an in-depth discussion of the issue raised in the context of the reality selected for study. Keywords: Rural Education. Geography Teaching. Riverine Amazon. Territory. Territoriality.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Análise e uso de geotecnologias como recurso didático na disciplina de geografia no ensino fundamental II em uma escola pública em Manaus/AM
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-20) Silva, Erika Pedrosa da; Wachholz, Flávio; Maia, Samara Aquino; Ferreira Júnior, João Carlos; Santos, Danielle Mariam Araujo dos
    The popularization of geotechnologies applied to teaching is a fundamental technological tool in the process of learning geography, causing changes that influence the forms of interaction, observation and representation of geographical space. The aim of this research was to analyze the teaching of geography through the use of geotechnologies as a didactic resource in elementary school II at CETI Engenheiro Professor Sérgio Alfredo Pessoa Figueiredo, in Manaus-AM. The methodology used is exploratory and descriptive, as it is based on data collection, analyzing geography textbooks, the academic and continuing training of teachers, as well as the resources available to apply these tools. It also included a practical activity using Google Earth. As a result, the textbooks do not give geotechnologies a prominent role, mentioning only Remote Sensing and Digital Cartography, without establishing connections with the corresponding software. The teachers have a degree in geography, but in their training they did not acquire fundamental knowledge about geotechnologies and consequently do not use these tools as a teaching resource in the classroom. In addition, although the school has favorable conditions for the use of geotechnologies, it faces challenges, such as the lack of computers in the computer lab and, above all, limited access to the internet. The application of the activities was essential to help introduce the new technologies to the students, who used the place where they live as a starting point. In this context, this research contributes, to a certain extent, to the expansion of knowledge in geographical science, especially with regard to the introduction of geotechnologies in basic education. Keywords: Technological tool; Learning; Geographical science.
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    Uso da plataforma mapbiomas para a produção de mapas de uso e cobertura do solo e estudo da dinâmica das áreas antropizadas no município de Anori-AM entre os anos de 2010 e 2022
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-20) Santos, Ewerton Rodrigues dos; Wachholz, Flávio; Rocha, Angelica Rodrigues; Thevenin, Julien Marius Reis
    The aim of this study is to analyze the dynamics of land use and land cover in the municipality of Anori-AM in the years 2010 and 2022. Using the MapBiomas platform as a tool for producing maps. The work addresses the importance of monitoring land use and land cover in the municipality of Anori-AM, highlighting the relevance of the MapBiomas platform as an essential tool for producing maps that show changes in the landscape over time, as well as corroborating the use of IBGE data. The analysis of the dynamics of land use reveals the predominance of agricultural activities in the region, with significant impacts on vegetation cover and natural resources, thus the study attested to transformations in the landscape, such as the expansion of urban areas, the decrease in areas of native vegetation and the increase in areas destined for agriculture and pasture. The use of sequential data and the application of mapping techniques make it possible to identify patterns of land occupation and support decision-making for environmental and territorial management. In this way, the study highlights the advancement of knowledge about the interaction between human activities and the environment in the Amazon region, providing subsidies for the promotion of sustainable practices and the conservation of biodiversity. Keywords: Land Use and Land Cover. MapBiomas Platform. Landscape Changes. Mapping Techniques.
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    A utilização de jogos no ensino de geografia
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-06) Leca, Felipe Arcanjo; Mafra, Marcela Vieira Pereira; Fortes, Mircia Ribeiro; Santos, Danielle Mariam Araujo dos
    This is a final project whose theme is the use of games in teaching Geography, working on the theme of the Amazon River Hydrographic Basin. The objectives were: Discuss the use of games in the teaching and learning process and their importance in teaching Geography; build games that address the main rivers and hydrological characteristics in the Amazon; evaluate the viability of games built on the Amazon river basin in Geography classes. The methodology is qualitative and descriptive. The results show the feasibility of using the game constructed as a teaching resource in Geography classes, as the games aroused the interest of students and teachers in the subject, raised doubts and questions, provided opportunities for the use of knowledge constructed in previous classes and favored the revision of the content in a playful way. Keywords: Geography teaching; Amazon Rivers; Learning games.
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    Geografia e a violência de gênero - uma análise espaço - temporal dos casos de feminicídios na cidade de Manaus 2016-2021
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-16) Gonçalves, Carlos Eduardo Hosein; Conceição, Francilene Sales da; Sousa, Isaque dos Santos; Santos, Edinilza Ribeiro dos
    This study deals with gender-based violence in the city of Manaus, especially feminicides. feminicides, based on a previous study carried out as a scholarship student at Fiocruz Amazônia. In the geographical context, the theoretical-methodological approach to In the geographical context, the theoretical-methodological approach to feminicide presents itself as a complex and challenging field. understanding of spatial inequalities, power relations between genders and the aspects present in the characterization of assaults and deaths. This research is This research is based on the dialectical method, aiming to understand the interactions and complexities surrounding this phenomenon of female deaths from aggression in the capital of Amazonas. capital of the state of Amazonas. A qualitative, descriptive approach was used to analyze these deaths. qualitative, descriptive and exploratory approaches were used to analyze these deaths. numerical and statistical data aimed at explaining the spatialization of this phenomenon in the administrative For this purpose, QGIZ and R Studio software were used, with each software being used for specific purposes within its area of study each software was used for specific purposes within its area of study. With the help of the geographic software QGIZ the data on neighborhoods and zones, as well as the number of deaths, were zipped into the program, making it possible to specialize the data obtained within the map map of Manaus. In R Studio, a statistical software program, the attached data was transformed into graphs. data was transformed into historical series graphs and time evolution graphs. time evolution graphs, which showed that the North and East zones register the highest numbers of female deaths due to aggression in the capital, and that this data may be linked to the urban violence present in the neighborhoods of these two areas, such as the lack of adequate infrastructure, socioeconomic factors such as low monthly income, lack of police factors such as low monthly incomes, lack of policing, and urban violence itself, through drug trafficking. through drug trafficking, unemployment rates that lead to the financial dependence of these women financial dependence of these women on their partners and thus generating their total vulnerability. vulnerability of these women; all these interconnected compounds corroborate in an environment in which the woman ends up being more exposed to the aggressor and suffering such aggression deliberately and without family or neighborhood interruption, thus aggravating this serious problem of gender-based violence. violence. With this data, it is possible not only to make a scientific contribution, but also to contribute so that public policies aimed at this problem can take advantage of the data and the data and seek improvements in women's safety. Keywords: Geography. Gender. Space. Feminicide. Violence against women in Manaus.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Geografia e gênero em Manaus: a dinâmica humana nos minimercados da periferia da metrópole
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-16) Ribeiro, Beatriz Praia; Lima, Susane Patrícia Melo de; Sousa, Isaque dos Santos; Areb, Matheus Vieira
    Minimarkets are products and producers of the economy on the outskirts of Manaus, They are, in short, the result of self-construction and self-employment practiced by people on the periphery. and self-employment practiced by peripheral subjects, thus forming a network that serves the lower circuit of the urban urban economy in the space where they are located. The monograph in question aims to the analysis of gender issues, such as the distinction of socially established roles within mini-markets, emphasizing the role of women as owners and workers in mini-markets. the role of women as owners and workers in mini-markets. women continue to be overburdened, playing numerous roles at the same time and, above all, being directed roles at the same time and, above all, being directed by her partner even as the owner of the store. of the establishment. The monograph also traces the profile of the mini-markets in the Jorge Teixeira neighborhood. Jorge Teixeira neighborhood, compared to the profile drawn up by SEBRAE, showing a simpler reality The monograph also profiles the mini-markets in the Jorge Teixeira neighbourhood in relation to the profile drawn up by SEBRAE, showing a simpler reality that once met its customer demand. The subjects of the research receive attention in their position as shapers of urban space, in the periphery, where the peripheral subject is capable of making decisions and influencing positively or not the geographic space where he is inserted, also identifying his performance as an entrepreneur within the social context where he is inserted, because in the periphery he produces and reproduces, from urban structures to unequal social relations. The entire section of this research is analyzed in the light of the historical-critical-dialectical method, which the critique of the critique, through the basic readings already mentioned, found in practice and in the historicity of the object. in the practice and historicity of the object of this analysis, the mini-market. Key words: Gender; Minimarket; Periphery.
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    Introdução à geografia física da terra indígena Coatá-Laranjal no município de Borba-Amazonas
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-08) Santos, Cledson dos; Santos, Danielle Mariam Araujo dos; Campos, Iolanda Aida de Medeiros; Mourão, Maria Helena Carvalho
    The Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land is a territory designated for the indigenous peoples of the Mundurukú and Sateré-Mawé ethnicities, residing in the municipality of Borba, Amazonas state. The didactic presentation of the establishment of the Mundurukú and Sateré-Mawé ethnicities in the Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land, along with the physical characteristics of this Amazonian region intended for the occupation of these Brazilian people, lends significance to this work for society. It holds the potential to be useful for the contextualized teaching of geography to elementary students in the Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land, contributing to the development of textbooks and educational materials. The overall objective of this research was to analyze the geographical aspects of the Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land. For this purpose, the conditions of indigenous peoples in the context of 21st-century Brazil were examined, the history of the Mundurukú and Sateré-Mawé ethnicities in the state of Amazonas was investigated, and the physical geography of the state of Amazonas within the spatial scope of the Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land was reviewed. The research was exploratory and descriptive, employing both quantitative and qualitative approaches. According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) for the year 2022, the indigenous population in Brazil reached 1,693,535 people, representing 0.83% of the total population. The Mundurukú are traditionally from the eastern Alto Tapajós to the Madeira River. The Sateré-Mawé historically inhabited the vicinity of the main course of the Amazon River, specifically between the Tapajós and Madeira rivers, in the regions of Maués, Andirá, and Tupinambarana. The Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land was officially homologated through the Decree of April 19, 2004. This act recognized and confirmed the administrative demarcation carried out by the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), establishing the permanent possession of this land for the Mundurukú and Sateré-Mawé indigenous groups. Located in the sedimentary basin of the Amazon, specifically in the portion of the Amazon River valley corresponding to the middle and lower Amazon River, the Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land rests on a foundation composed of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks ranging in age from the Archean to the Proterozoic, known as the Amazon Craton. The sedimentary cover of the basin dates back to the Phanerozoic, and the two shields delimiting the basin play fundamental roles in shaping the Amazonian landscape. The extensive drainage network in the Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land is distributed across 6 sub-basins of the Urariai-Canumã basin, featuring meandering channels and dendritic, trellis, and rectangular patterns. The predominant soil type in the Indigenous Territory (T.I.) is dystrophic yellow latosols with neosols, but gleissols soil type has also been identified in the extreme north of the T.I. Keywords: Coatá-Laranjal Indigenous Land; Mundurukú and Sateré-Mawé indigenous groups; Geological Aspects; Hydrography; Pedological Aspects.