ESO - Escola Superior de Ciências Sociais
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66 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Perspectivas da nova lei de licitações: uma revisão de literatura(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-08-02) Da Conceição Silva, Ailton; Luiz Nunes Zogahib, AndréThe bidding process in Brazil is governed by Law No. 8.666/1993 and in years of application of this legislation, several regulations were added as a complement, such as: Law No. 10.520/2002 - Auction Law and Law 12.462/11 - Law of Differentiated Contracting Regime (RDC), however, under the justification of delays and excessive bureaucracy present in the aforementioned r u l e s , o n A p r i l 1, 2 0 2 1 , L a w No. 1 4 , 1 3 3 / 2 0 2 1 w a s e n a c t e d , generating expectations of managers and public agents who carry out the processes Therefore,thisstudyaims toinvestigatethe perspectives of this new law, through bibliographical research covering the evolution of the bidding process and the contributions of the Auction Law and RDC to the General Bidding Law, ending in the main changes of the new law of Bidding. as well as the convergences and divergences of authors on the effectiveness of this. Therefore, it was possible to observe a positive perspective regarding the views of a u t h o r s a n d s p e c i a l i s t s , a s L a w No. 1 4 . 1 3 3 / 2 0 2 1 s e e k s t o o p e r a t e t h eItem Proposta de padronização de procedimentos no setor de protocolo do Tribunal de Justiça do Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-08-02) Alves, Saulo Cunha; Souza, Andrea Lanza Cordeiro deThis article aims to present a registration model for processes originating in the Protocol sector of the Court of Justice of the State of Amazonas, which currently presents problems linked to the registration procedure, as well as the excess rework that occurs in this activity. routine work. The central objective of this work was to explain the most common lapses that occur during the registration procedure of an administrative process, and to suggest what measures can be taken according to the situations witnessed in order to bring about an improvement in the efficiency of the sector, such as the reduction of excellent work. The article seeks to present the importance of quality in the service provided within the justice body, what measures must be taken so that such service occurs efficiently so that there is greater procedural speed and satisfaction of the common public. The methodology used in this article was field research, bibliographical, documentary and descriptive. Finally, we sought to maximize the final results, respecting the quality principles studied throughout the course, thus making better use of the work of each collaborator from the protocol sector of the Court of Justice of Amazonas, demonstrating the importance for the body of reducing registration bottlenecks, aiming for a better future for the institution.Item Análise da qualidade do atendimento aos usuários do 21º Distrito de Policia Militar(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-07-28) Rocha, Anna Carollina do Carmo; Vital, Mirian SerrãoThis article's main objective is to analyze the quality of service offered in the 21st Integrated District of the Manaus Police, with the purpose of understanding, from the users' perspective, how they evaluate the service they receive from interns. To this end, the qualitative approach was used as a methodological subsidy, and as an instrument for data collection, ten questionnaires were applied to the subjects who were treated at the study site during a given period. The literature review contributed to the theoretical deepening of the research on the topic of quality. Through the analysis of the data obtained, it was possible to understand that the service was well evaluated, however, negative aspects, such as the delay and the slow and bureaucratic system, were highlighted. It was found that the change requires the involvement of different professionals and spheres, as the service team interns are subordinated to a system and to superiors who have a civil service exam and have professional stability.Item A utilização da tecnologia para otimização do processo de recrutamento e seleção: análise em uma empresa distribuidora de petróleo(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-07-28) Ribeiro, Júlia Beatriz Carvalho; Vital, Mirian SerrãoThe main objective of this article is to present an analysis of the use of technology to optimize the recruitment and selection process, considering as an analysis objective an oil distribution company in the city of Manaus - AM. The research was developed through a qualitative approach and, as an instrument for data collection, it was used in an interview carried out with the HR coordinator of that company. A literature review was also used to allow greater theoretical understanding of the research and exploration of characteristics of the topic covered. Through data analysis and interpretation, it was possible to understand how the use of technology is a benefit to the processes of recruiting and selecting candidates, transforming them into faster and more assertive processes and making it possible to optimize the steps and, consequently, contributing to a more strategic direction. of the HR sector, which also results in the company's competitiveness and productivity.Item A importância do apoio na disseminação do conhecimento: Estudo de caso em uma multinacional do Pólo Industrial de Manaus - PIM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-07-29) Souza, Hellen Cristina Pessoa; Rizzato, Sálvio de Castro e CostaKnowledge, now seen as an object of value, ends up being neglected due to lack or excess of care in transferring it. There are often too many of them, coming from different sources and consequently, the greater the volume and number of people involved, the more difficult it is to formalize, manage and share. This article aims to point out the importance of disseminating knowledge to generate organizational strategies, taking into account the types of knowledge that govern Knowledge Management, and the understanding of the ways in which it is diffused in the organization, and also, to point out the importance of the organization's present tools for its dissemination. To this end, exploratory and field research was used with employees of a multinational located in the Industrial Pole of Manaus - PIM. The results found indicate that the importance of disseminating knowledge through the tools present in the organization was perceived, as the unanimity found on the issue of obtaining more benefits than harm within the company through sharing knowledge was notable.Item Os impactos do planejamento dos custos de aquisições de materiais indiretos em uma empresa de eletrodomésticos(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-07-29) Cabral, Cleonara Araujo; Souza, Andrea Lanza Cordeiro deThis article, constructed through bibliographic and documentary research, aims to identify and describe indirect materials within companies and their impacts on general costs. The interest in the proposed study is justified because these materials are present in all types of economic organizations, where they are not always easily identified and generally only viewed as operational expenses without strategic planning perspectives. As a main result, this article seeks clarification regarding the definition of indirect materials, analysis of these within the ABC Curve and proposal for cost reduction based on strategic planning and purchasing actions in this process.Item Gestão de materiais e compras: uma descrição dos procedimentos para aquisição e prestação de serviços do setor de materiais do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Amazonas no ano de 2021(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-07-28) Machado, Vinícius Silva; Sena, Raylene Rodrigues deOver the years, the importance of materials management has gradually increased. The sectors responsible for this management have a great impact on the budget due to the maintenance of stocks and acquisitions that serve all departments of a company or agency. The Materials Sector of the State Court of Auditors has two forms of authorization for the acquisition of materials and contracting of services, which are carried out through an Expense Authorization Note and through the Advance Request. Thus, we sought to describe the procedures for purchasing materials, contracting services and possible difficulties in carrying out these activities. With the specific purpose of describing the acquisition and contracting procedures, analyzing the development of activities and their standards, in addition to verifying possible difficulties or slowness in carrying out the tasks performed. To this end, the methodological procedures used were documentary, bibliographical research and field research. For field research, a questionnaire was carried out with 10 closed questions addressed to DIMAT employees, with the purpose of highlighting the main factors for carrying out the activities. Among the results, good communication with all sectors demanding materials stands out as the main efficiency factor for carrying out activities, as well as showing that accountability is more likely to have problems during its implementation.Item Estudo sobre a otimização do processo de prestação de contas do auxílio saúde em setor de gestão de pessoas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-07-30) Araújo, Vitória Gabriela Pinheiro de; Bittencourt, Maryângela AguiarThe article aims to identify how it is possible to optimize the accounting process for the social medical assistance benefit, known as health aid. The importance of the study lies in concentrating on the principle of efficiency, with specific objectives being the description of operation, verification of obstacles and efficient service of technologies, search for methods carried out in other public bodies and also the proposal for improvement, if necessary. As a result, the systematization of procedures contributed to the efficiency of accountability. Furthermore, research points to the possibility of improvements through the use of a system user team, and the implementation of a project to align communication with beneficiaries and inform the new guidelines highlighted in this study.Item Resistência às inovações tecnológicas no serviço pública(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-07-29) Holanda, Camila Fernandes; Rizzato, Sálvio de Castro e CostaWhen implementing a technological innovation in the public sector, resistance to change is inevitable in the organizational environment. This is one of the main barriers to be faced in the context of technological advances in public service. Having said that, the general objective of this article is to assess the resistance to technological changes of public servants in the organization. For this, the method used was quali-quantitative, with explanatory and descriptive characteristics. Thesurvey for data collection was carried out with a sample of 40 employees of the Court of Auditors of the State of Amazonas, from May to July 2021. The survey instruments adopted were questionnaires with closed and open questions. Data analysis was based on bibliographic research on the issue in question. The results found corroborate studies in the literature and show that most respondents are resistant to change due to factors such as lack of interest, lack of mastery of technology and self- indulgence. Finally, these findings confirm the importance of this study for professionals in Administration and society, as this barrier generates several consequences for the institution, directly and indirectly affecting the development of the Organization's activities and productivity and also harming external services that are indirectly linked to her.Item Análise sobre o impacto da capacitação do servidor público - estudo de caso da ESUDPAM- Escola Superior da Defensoria Pública do Estado do Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-07-30) Pimentel, Maiara Costa; Bittencourt, Maryângela AguiarThe approach to the impact of professional training of public servants, in particular, the Public Defender of the State of Amazonas, through the Superior School of the Public Defender of the State of Amazonas - ESUDPAM, is necessary, since training is a tool very important for there to be a change in the behavior of public servants. In order to achieve a constant improvement in the quality of services provided by the institution, it is necessary to pay special attention to the server, with actions that contribute to their motivation, commitment and more efficient performance. This work aims to understand the process of professional training, as well as demonstrate the relevance of People Management practices, considering the person as the essence of organizations. The objective is to expose the importance and analyze the impact of professional training of public servants of the DPE-AM, point out the Public Defender's Office as an institution promoting access to justice, highlighting the role of the Public School of the Public Defender of the State of Amazonas and identify the advantages and challenges of the migration of courses promoted by ESUDPAM to the online format adopted from 2020. The methodology used contemplates a mix of bibliographic research combined with analysis of official documents of the DPE-AM, such as the annual reports prepared by the school, in addition to public notices for the courses, obtained from the official website of the institution. As for the approach, the research is qualitative and as for the purposes, it is considered exploratory research. The main result achieved is that there is a growing availability and demand for courses, which encompass both the legal and administrative areas, among several other topics that contribute to better service.