ESA - Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Síntese de evidências sobre o agir da enfermagem com pessoas em tratamento antineoplásico
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-29) Belo, Jessica Rayre de Oliveira; Ueno, Thalyta Mariany Rêgo Lopes; Ueno, Thalyta Mariany Rêgo Lopes; Ferreira, Darlisom Sousa; Monteiro, Wagner Ferreira
    Identificar evidencias científicas sobre orientación y atención a pacientes en tratamiento con antineoplásicos. Métodos: Revisión integradora, realizada en las bases de datos: MEDLINE, LILACS y BDENF, mediante el cruce de los descriptores “Enfermería”, “Antineoplastic”, “Patients” y “Guidelines” y las respectivas traducciones en portugués, inglés y español. El marco temporal utilizado en las búsquedas fue entre 2018 y 2022, por lo que la muestra final estuvo conformada por 10 artículos. Resultados: De los 10 artículos encontrados, surgieron dos categorías temáticas que contribuyen a la orientación y atención en quimioterapia: categoría 1 - efectos adversos y tratamiento con antineoplásicos; categoría 2 – calidad de vida con tratamiento antineoplásico, en cuanto a los cuidados de enfermería indicados, fueron obtenidas entre tres y seis indicaciones por artículo. Conclusión: El cuidado de enfermería garantiza un cuidado calificado, ético y humanizado, satisfaciendo plenamente las necesidades físicas y emocionales de los pacientes. El enfermero tiene un papel fundamental en la provisión de información y orientación durante el tratamiento antineoplásico, promoviendo mejores resultados y comodidad para los pacientes
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    Cultura de segurança do paciente: avaliação pelos profissionais da UTI Neonatal em Manaus-Am
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-28) Rosa, Heloísa Nunes dos Reis; Pimentão, Adriany da Rocha; Pimentão, Adriany da Rocha; Watanabe, Timoteo Tadashi; Oliveira, Anete Leda de
    To evaluate the Safety culture in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the State of Amazonas. Method: this is an exploratory study with a quantitative approach of the survey type with professionals from the multidisciplinary health care team who work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit service of Maternidade Dr Moura Tapajóz located in the city of Manaus-Amazonas, by completing the form validated and adapted version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) instrument, from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Results: There was a predominance of females, between 41 and 50 years of age, with a degree of professional education specializing in neonatology, active promotion of Patient Safety, but undermined by fear of punishment during AE. Conclusion: The importance of demystifying the punitive culture, effective communication, the risk of work overload and “crisis situation”, and the positive impact of the implementation of the PSN are highlighted
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    Cuidados de enfermagem direcionados à população em situação de rua: revisão integrativa da literatura
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-02-22) Batista, Hinaê Martins; Ribeiro, Maria de Nazaré de Souza; Diniz, Cleisiane Xavier; Ribeiro, Maria de Nazaré de Souza; Souza, Cássia Rozario da Silva; Araújo, Karla Brandão de
    To investigate, through an Integrative Literature Review, the scientific evidence on nursing care for homeless people in their health-disease process. Method: Integrative Literature Review (ILR) study. The search took place between 2011 and 2023 on the following platforms: 1) Virtual Health Library (VHL), 2) Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE)/PUBMED and 3) Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). The research question was guided by the PICo mnemonic. Four phases of the Preferred 5 Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) diagram of article selection flow were used. The Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) tool was used to analyze the methodological design of the selected articles. Results: 751 articles were identified, of which 663 were excluded after applying the filters and inclusion and exclusion criteria, leaving 33 articles for evaluation, leaving 24 articles for final analysis. The articles were divided into three categories of analysis: Care in the Educational Dimension, Care in the Caregiving Dimension and Care in the Social Dimension. In the educational dimension, activities of a collective nature and in educational groups show positive results. Living on the streets puts people at greater risk of physical health problems, including musculoskeletal disorders, respiratory tract infections, skin infections, accidental injuries and violence, oral health problems and mental illness. Given the interactions with multiple acute care systems and the complex health and behavioral care needs of PSR, including chronic disease management needs and acute care coordination, a PSR-centered care home appears to be a good solution for improving health outcomes in this population. In the social dimension, resources such as resilience, coping and positive social networks can be protective throughout life. Conclusion: The articles analyzed showed that care for PRS goes beyond essentially care, as it is a much more complex condition that requires greater professional qualification in nursing, in order to expand their care
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    O enfermeiro no cuidado de feridas da pessoa com pé diabético: revisão integrativa
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-22) Nascimento, Adryanne Adriano do; Fachin, Miriam Elenite Lima de; Fachin, Miriam Elenit Lima de; Nascimento, Jucimary Almeida do; Silva, Alessandra Cristina da
    To investigate the care practices utilized in the management of diabetic foot ulcers by Nurses. Method: This is an Integrative Literature Review (ILR) with a qualitative approach. A protocol was developed for its design, validated by two reviewers, and followed the six methodological steps of conventional research. Results: After the application of the PRISMA Flowchart, out of 100 articles, only 13 were selected for meeting the study's proposed objective. 4 These articles were indexed in the electronic bibliographic databases LILACS (10; 76.9%), MEDLINE (02; 15.4%), and BDENF (01; 7.7%). Conclusion: This review study revealed the variety of perceptions that individuals refer to regarding diabetic foot ulcers and the associated problems. It also emphasizes the importance of preventive nursing care and the need for professionals' knowledge regarding care and medication therapy used
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Assistência a pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus no contexto da Atenção Primária: uma revisão integrativa
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-28) Santos, Beatriz Souza Cruz dos; Bezerra, José Nilson Araújo; Bezerra, José Nilson Araújo; Castro, Fernanda Farias de; Gonçalves, Isabela Cristina de Miranda
    This work sought to analyze the existence of gaps in assistance for people with diabetes in the context of primary care. It also sought to reinforce the importance of caring for nursing, adequate monitoring and effective political actions aimed at this public Method: This is an integrative review, with the research question elaborated according to the PICo strategy, and the search defined using the controlled descriptors: Primary Health Care; Diabetes Mellitus; Complications of Diabetes; Care Nursing; Health policies; Unified Health System. Results: Ten scientific articles, published between the years 2018 and 2022, six from LILACS, two from BDENF, one extracted from PUBMED and one from MEDLINE. Conclusion: The findings show that Failures in assistance have still been occurring in recent years, and most of them can be resolved if special attention is given to this population by health teams. You articles also show that the growth in PHC coverage favors the stabilization of complications, resulting in a reduction in hospitalizations, amputations and deaths resulting from illness
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Cuidados de enfermagem com pessoas em tratamento radioterápico: revisão integrativa da literatura
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-29) Santos, Ivanilson Oliveira dos; Ueno, Thalyta Mariany Rêgo Lopes; Ueno, Thalyta Mariany Rêgo Lopes; Ferreira, Darlisom Sousa; Andrade, Lucas Lorran Costa de
    Analyze scientific evidence in the literature that addresses nursing care for people undergoing radiotherapy treatment. Method: integrative review, carried out in six stages, between September and December 2022, in the databases: Latin Literature American and Caribbean Health Sciences, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online, Nursing Database, by crossing the descriptors “nursing care” AND “radiotherapy”; “people-patients” AND “radiotherapy” and the respective translations in English, carrying out both crossings in each database. There was a time frame between 2017 and 2021 in the searches, with the aim of having updated scientific evidence. Results: the final sample consisted of nine articles. Regarding the recommended nursing care, between three and eleven indications were obtained per article. Three thematic categories were identified: care about adverse effects; skin care; care that promotes quality of life. Conclusion: nursing care is multidimensional and can guarantee qualified, ethical, humanized assistance, through the adoption of a comprehensive and resolute line of care. It is noteworthy that nurses have an important role in providing information and guidance to people undergoing radiotherapy treatment.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Assistência de enfermagem para prevenção de violência obstétrica: revisão integrativa
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-30) Vale, Ingrid Grazielle Barbosa; Pontes, Munique Therense Costa de Morais; Pontes, Munique Therense Costa de Morais; Vasconcelos, Milaine Nunes Gomes; Cabral, Elisangela dos Santos
    Understand the assistance offered by nurses in prenatal care to combat obstetric violence. Method: This is an integrative review and the search strategies were the SciELO, LILACS, IBECS and BDENF databases, through reading and analysis of the articles listed and published in the period from 2017 to 2022. The sample of this study consists of of 15 articles. Results: When analyzing the selected articles, it was found that nursing care through the implementation of the birth plan and good nursing practices constitute the foundation for preventing obstetric violence. Conclusion: This study reiterates the relevance of the Nurse's role in preventing obstetric violence, as well as the interventions carried out to prevent obstetric violence
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Atualização da ficha de sistematização da assistência de enfermagem como um formulário do processo de cuidado
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-28) An, Charis Rachel Ae Young; Torrente, Gisele; Nogueira, Tiago de Oliveira; Torrente, Gisele; Menezes, Elielza Guerreiro; Barbosa, Lailla Melissa de Castro Pinheiro
    Update the Nursing Care Systematization (SAE) form as a form for the nursing process in a teaching hospital. Method: This is a methodological study, based on the analysis, review and updating of the items on a form. The adaptation process aimed to apply predictive scales and updated taxonomies to improve the form, as well as involving meetings with a professional responsible for the service's education center, in order to collect data on the institution's needs for adjustments. Results: The form called SAE Form underwent gradual formatting adjustments, additions, removals and changes to items. The final product was called Version 5, which received acceptance and satisfaction from the Permanent Education Center Team. Conclusion: Adapting the form to updated literature, as well as formatting meeting user expectations, can help nursing professionals organize information and improve scientific reasoning with decision-making, culminating in improved nursing care. No less important, the academic work carried out within health institutions allows for a closer relationship between academia and the service and strengthens the links between them.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Cuidados com derivação ventricular externa: quanto conhecemos?
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-08-23) Costa, Fernanda de Azevedo Martins da
    To analyze nurses' training knowledge regarding care and manipulation with External Ventricular Derivation. Method: This is a cross-sectional and exploratory study conducted with nurses at a neurosurgery reference unit in the state of Amazonas. Results: 34 nurses answered the questionnaire, being 73.5% female and 58.8% active in the intensive care unit (ICU). The overall average hit was 62%. There was no significant difference between the correct answers of nurses in the ICU and other sectors. It was identified a greater agreement among the nurses of the ICU regarding the measurement of ICP (p = 0.03), care of the change of position (p = 0.03), lavage of the system (p = 0.01), hyperventilation (p <0.001 (p = 0.02), monitoring of glycemic levels (p = 0.05) and less accuracy in emptying the collection bag (p = 0.01). Conclusion: The knowledge of the ICU nurses regarding the care of the SVD is in the desirable parameters when related to the standard procedures