Nova Hileia: Revista Eletrônica de Direito Ambiental da Amazônia

URI permanente desta comunidade

A Nova Hileia: Revista Eletrônica de Direito Ambiental da Amazônia (2525-4537) é uma publicação acadêmica do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito Ambiental da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas em formato eletrônico (online) com periodicidade semestral. A revista publica artigos, resenhas, resumos, notas sobre legislação, eventos e notícias inéditos e originais, nacional ou internacional, com as mais diversas abordagens teóricas e metodológicas, com interdisciplinaridade ou não, conforme as seguintes linhas de pesquisa do Programa: Conservação de Recursos Naturais e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. A submissão de trabalhos para a Nova Hileia deve ser feita por meio do sistema online da plataforma Sistema de Editoração Eletrônica de Revista (SEER), respeitando as suas normas editorias e da ABNT, seja utilizando o método de citação, Autor/Data ou notas de referência. Para avaliação será utilizado o sistema double blind peer review. Portanto, os trabalhos serão submetidos a dois avaliadores sem a identificação dos autores e dos avaliadores A revista procura contribuir para a consolidação da ciência jurídica na região Norte do Brasil, em suas diversas áreas de atuação. Seu título abreviado é Nova Hileia, forma que deve ser usada em bibliografias, notas de rodapé, referências e legendas bibliográficas.


Resultados da Pesquisa

Agora exibindo 1 - 3 de 3
  • Item
    As novas tecnologias de subordinação e o Direito do trabalho automatizado
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-01-05) Leite, Yuri Bindá
    Abstract: The research will be based on new subordination technologies and automated labor law. The relevance of the work is based on the disclosure of new forms of work to the academic field. Labor law has been changing over the years and with each new form of subordination a new employment relationship is born. The general objective is to analyze all the new telematic labor forms of work, analyzing some applications. Among startups, Uber stands out in the number of users. The method to be used in the investigation will be doctrinal, bibliographic and legal. Keywords: technologies, subordination, work, automated
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    Os desdobramentos da subordinação trabalhista e seu impacto no Brasil
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-01-20) Leite, Yuri Bindá
    Abstract: A survey wasdeveloped to demonstrate the types of subordination and its impact on labor relations in Brazil. Through a systematic theoretical review, the study of analysis as was the process of evolution of labor law in the world until the contemporary. Submission is sometimes unpleasant, so the scientific debate on the topic is relevant, or justifies its production. Therefore, ask: Why are employment relationships avoided in the international context? To answer a question, execute a bibliographic method, an investigation will take two approaches, the first or subordination history and the second study of this impact in Brazil. Keywords: Subordination, work, employment, impact
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    Aspectos antagônicos entre violência e pobreza
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-03-02) Leite, Yuri Bindá
    Abstract: The main objective of this research is to show, through a methodological bibliographical analysis, the forms of violence, its (false) relation with poverty and its impact on society. The first specific objective is the theoretical discussion of the culture of violence and its unfolding, evidencing the forms of expression of violence and its massification in the media that makes it something everyday in people's lives, a paradox between the restlessness of insecurity (which fosters the use of weapons, for example) and normality or "peaceful" coexistence with crime printed in newspapers, blogs or television programs, all of this, corroborating to the cultural formation of the present day. Once the basic notions have been overcome, the second part of the study will show the influence of the dominant power for the construction of legitimate violence by the State, as public policies conform to the crime rate and violent sociability. The last objective is the analysis of the paradox of the association of crime with poverty. The purpose of the research is to demonstrate the sociological context of the origin of violence, as the ruling class attempts to camouflage their acts and put the blame on the poorest. Keywords: violence, culture, media, weapons, power, poverty.