Nova Hileia: Revista Eletrônica de Direito Ambiental da Amazônia

URI permanente desta comunidade

A Nova Hileia: Revista Eletrônica de Direito Ambiental da Amazônia (2525-4537) é uma publicação acadêmica do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito Ambiental da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas em formato eletrônico (online) com periodicidade semestral. A revista publica artigos, resenhas, resumos, notas sobre legislação, eventos e notícias inéditos e originais, nacional ou internacional, com as mais diversas abordagens teóricas e metodológicas, com interdisciplinaridade ou não, conforme as seguintes linhas de pesquisa do Programa: Conservação de Recursos Naturais e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. A submissão de trabalhos para a Nova Hileia deve ser feita por meio do sistema online da plataforma Sistema de Editoração Eletrônica de Revista (SEER), respeitando as suas normas editorias e da ABNT, seja utilizando o método de citação, Autor/Data ou notas de referência. Para avaliação será utilizado o sistema double blind peer review. Portanto, os trabalhos serão submetidos a dois avaliadores sem a identificação dos autores e dos avaliadores A revista procura contribuir para a consolidação da ciência jurídica na região Norte do Brasil, em suas diversas áreas de atuação. Seu título abreviado é Nova Hileia, forma que deve ser usada em bibliografias, notas de rodapé, referências e legendas bibliográficas.


Resultados da Pesquisa

Agora exibindo 1 - 3 de 3
  • Item
    Abuso de drogas e o sistema de justiça criminal no brasil
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-03-16) Rosa, Fábia Ileanna Gondim; Aguiar, Denison Melo de
    ABSTRACT Despite growing evidence that dependence is a treatable brain disease, most individuals do not receive treatment. Involvement in the criminal justice system often results from illegal drug search behavior and participation in illegal activities that reflect, in part, the disruptive behavior resulting from brain changes triggered by repeated drug use. Dealing with drug offenders provides a unique opportunity to reduce substance abuse and reduce associated criminal behavior. Thus, the purpose of this article is to present a literature review about drug abuse and the Brazilian criminal justice system. The research had a qualitative approach of exploratory nature and as far as procedures were concerned, the bibliographic research was used, which made possible to understand better the importance of the proposed subject. It is concluded that the challenge of delivering treatment in a criminal environment requires the cooperation and coordination of two different cultures: the organized criminal justice system to punish the perpetrator and protect society and drug abuse treatment systems organized to assist the dependent individual. Keywords: Drugs; Justice; Treatment.
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    Os resíduos sólidos na sustentação da família de um usuário de crack: uma questão social e ambiental
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-10) Ribas, Ana Leila Gazel; Aguiar, Denison Melo de; Souto, Átila de Oliveira
    The present study addresses the environmental and social impact caused by solid waste capitation from crack users. The use of psychoactive substances has been following humanity for millennia. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries its use was no longer ritualistic as it took other paths. Drug use has increased exponentially. Heavy drug addiction has harmful consequences for users. Social exclusion and family neglect are constant in the lives of crack addicts, causing many to die on the streets. In recycling materials, they find a way to support themselves, their family and their addiction. It is important to understand the importance of recycling to the environment. However, the damages of this type of trade come from the way it is done. Locations full of garbage, with a high level of unhealthiness make the urban centers, where drug consumption and sales are located, deteriorate rapidly and continuously. Social loss can also be noticed. People stop going to these places, causing commerce to go bankrupt. The general objective of the research is to show that the use of crack damages the environment and society. The methodology used was a qualitative-descriptive bibliographical approach extracted from books, articles and printed and electronic magazines focused on the subject in question. It is concluded that public anti-drug policies are ineffective and cannot end crack trafficking and consumption in urban centers. KEYWORDS: solid waste, crack, drugs, environment.
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    O uso de drogas e a saúde mental do trabalhador
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-17) Sampaio Júnior, Adonias da Silva; Aguiar, Denison Melo de
    The use of drugs is a public health problem of great social concern, affecting several dimensions of the individual, a mong them the work. Considering this scenario, the objective of the article is to present the relationship between drugs and mental health of the worker and to identify the impact generated in the employee and in the organizations. The bibliographical research was used to access the theoretical refe rences published with the subject in question. Drugs appear as a risk factor for the worker's withdrawa l fro m their work environment affect ing mental hea lth. The data on the causes of workers' withdrawa l revea l that preventive actions should be taken by companies to minimize the psychosocial risks involved in drug abuse.