Mortalidade por homicídios dolosos na zona urbana de Manaus: um estudo descritivo no triênio 2012 a 2014

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Violence and crime are increasingly being discussed, both at a regional and national level. national, just as with the same precision as companies developing, violence and light crime, reaching the different segments of the population. Objectives: In this context, the present study aims to carry out a descriptive analysis of the facts of violence that led to murders in the area of ​​Manaus Urban Municipality occurred in three years 2012-2014 with the aim of identifying which are the main areas of concentration of crimes of murder in Manaus, during this period (night, day, weekend) of the murders occurred in Manaus / AM and the profile of murder victims in the urban area of ​​Manaus. Methods: Descriptive study with a qualitative and quantitative approach to the victims of Murders occurred in Manaus City urban area in the years 2012 to 2014. Official sources offers limitations to the elaboration of a more detailed analysis, although it is difficult to achieve good qualification in the inclusion of criminal data in the SSP system, where you can presenting incomplete or inconsistency information, sometimes an erroneous registration occurs in your criminal classification. Result: The majority of victims are men and most of them are young people. The most affected age group was the 18-24 age group. As for the underlying causes of her death, the firearm was the most used to commit crimes. It was possible identify the areas and neighborhoods most susceptible to the event. Considerations: It is recommended that The results obtained in this study are used as support for the dialogue between them diverse sectors of both public security and health and others and the application of strategies efficiencies for the prevention and control of violence due to murder..





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