O facebook como contribuição para a formação de leitores: possibilidades a partir da aplicação de estratégias de leitura na execução do projeto do observatório da educação/Capes/UEA

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Research that deals with the use of Facebook as a contribution to the formation of readers, especially, when used as a mediator in feature application of reading strategies, from the a Project Observatory of Education (POE)/CAPES/UEA, which developed in an interdisciplinary process, which gained meaning in Portuguese Language, Mathematics and Science field. In the first chapter, while theoretical framework addresses the challenges to educating readers, identifying some factors to be considered for the development of reading practices and how the pedagogy of multiliteracies can provide more meaningful reading activities for students. In the second chapter, in order to advance proposals concerning reading practices, it was reported some experiences of the first steps of the POE which also contributed to the formation of readers, which enabled the identification of variables to be considered and further developed. In the third chapter, some experiments were counted by the interdisciplinary living-learning mathematical knowledge, which developed some specific skills for solving mathematical problems and then the adoption of a reading workshop that aimed at developing the habit reading, from the teaching of some procedural reading strategies. It was realized in the process that the demands of contemporary ask for new teaching strategies, especially those related to reading practices. Thus, using social networks can be a viable, relevant and effective to the development of skills and abilities that enable learners to practice reading best way.





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