A reconstrução do caso de “La Tregua” em El Salvador: uma perspectiva conceitual
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Currently the Nation-States are experiencing a process of refutation of the internal monopoly
on legitimate violence, as well as of their traditional concept of sovereignty. The emergence of
non-state actors who take de facto control in a part of the national territories is increasingly
common. Forcing States to plan different types of strategies so as not to lose their legitimacy
and presence in those controlled spaces. In this context, this dissertation aimed to study the
phenomenon popularly known as La Tregua in El Salvador. This was a negotiation experience
between the Salvadoran government through a mediating team, and the main three criminal
organizations to decrease the number of homicides. The main categories that constituted the
theoretical reference of this effort were those of public order, criminal organizations, criminal
justice system, gangs and public policies. To carry out this research, a qualitative methodology
based on the epistemological premises of symbolic interactionism was adopted. Likewise, the
Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data was used as the main interpretation tool. In this sense,
the main sources of data were the news from investigative journals, the academic papers about
the object of study and the official information of the government of El Salvador. As a result,
the reconstruction of the main public actions against gangs in El Salvador was carried out,
establishing the period 2003-2009. Secondly, were identify the elements that constituted the
direct antecedents for the appearance of the phenomenon of study, establishing as temporal
period the years 2009-2011. Finally, a reconstruction of the opaque process of negotiation
between the Salvadoran government and the main criminal organizations in the country was
made, establishing the period of this actions for the years 2011-2015.
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