Proposta de indicação de procedência para o segmento de duas rodas do Polo Industrial de Manaus – PIM.
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Geographical indications are the oldest form of protection among those listed by the Industrial Property Law, with its first records coming from the 4th century BC. Protection through a geographical indication aims to recognize a particular region that has become known as the center of extraction, production or manufacture of a particular product or provision of a service and therefore has become an important tool for the endogenous development movement. arising from the new paradigms of Regional Science. The search for strengthening regional internal forces, despite being relatively new for Regional Sciences, in the context of the Western Amazon has always been a challenge for the State, culminating in public policies such as the Manaus Free Trade Zone. That said, the present work aims to elaborate a proposal for an indication of origin for the two-wheel segment of the industrial pole of Manaus. For the purposes of methodological classification, regarding the nature it is an applied research, regarding the descriptive and exploratory objectives and regarding the bibliographic and documentary procedures. As a result, the correlation of the existing characteristics between the two-wheel segment and the requirements determined by IN INPI Nº 95/2018 was identified, generating two products from the information obtained: 1) conclusive technical report sent to the Superintendence of the Free Trade Zone of Manaus; 2) article for submission to a scientific journal.
CAVALCANTI, Wagner Bernardo.Proposta de indicação de procedência para o segmento de duas rodas do Polo Industrial de Manaus – PIM . 2022. p. 80. Dissertação de Mestrado – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Propriedade Intelectual e Transferência de Tecnologia para Inovação (PROFNIT) – Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2022.
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