A busca por cidadania dos povo indígenas com base no socioambientalismo e no pluralismo jurídico: uma análise da conflituosidade em Novo Airão/Amazonas
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This is the conflituosidade existing in the municipality of Novo Airão, within the State of
Amazonas, which decades ago were only lands inhabited by indigenous peoples and Maroons
and, after the creation of Indian Lands Atroari and Jau National Park created an overlap
Rights that were regulated and thereby obtained the demarcation of land with the creation of
the Jau National Park and the demarcation of land for Atroari. In contrast, the recognition of
the original right of Indians to their lands traditionally occupied and the creation of the Jau
National Park, caused great conflituosidade in the region with the expulsion of hundreds of
families who lived in areas of the Jau National Park, these families, mostly part of the maroon
communities. Currently, permanently defined areas of enjoyment Atroari and specified as Full
Protection with the Jau National Park, created new conflict in the region, because many
families expelled from the Jau National Park began to live on its periphery, thus causing new
conflituosidade as part of traditional population continued its secular way of life in
surrounding areas between indigenous lands and conservation units, but their way of life and
survival as a group has been sapped, because some of the access routes to regions and
municipalities that are within the district boundaries of indigenous lands Atroari or Jau
National Park, causing the immediate effect of the punishment of those communities, with the
application of coercive measures, such as administrative fines, lawsuits and seizure raw
material obtained from areas not belonging to Atroari and Jau National Park. The dissertation
starts focusing on the conflict to such existing contextualizing the issue within the broader
aspects in relation to quilombola drives, nature conservation and the original right of Indians
to their lands traditionally occupied, and then far be- will be a discussion on the institution of
slavery in Brazil, the most important principles of environmental law for this dissertation and
an explanation of territories and ethnographic research. Finally, it will hold a discussion on
legal pluralism and conflict resolution in New Airão, focusing on the territorial rights of
indigenous and traditional populations, overlapping areas considered while indigenous lands
and conservation units and a proposed use of the Institute of servitude in Units of Nature
Conservation for Sustainable Development - Full Protection Areas, conservation areas, these,
adjacent to areas subject to dispute, but also to promote the "settlement" of the Maroons,
showing the positions entered into on the subject and if there is major understandings about
the superposition of these important standards.
Keywords: Indigenous Lands. Units of Nature Conservation. Conflituosidade New
Airão / Amazon. Traditional Populations.