e-Água Parintins: caminho digital de comunicação para a gestão participativa dos recursos hídricos em Parintins/AM

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The National Water Resources Policy (PNRH) aims to find mechanisms for the management of water resources, with the participation of the people and institutions, in order to strengthen decentralization and integration. This dissertation seeks, through its broad objective, to develop an application as an instrument of information and communication interface between society and the competent bodies in the municipality of Parintins /AM, in order to establish participa-tory and decentralized management of water resources. The application created for the munic-ipality of Parintins called e-Águas Parintins, will allow the people to find out about water re-sources through data available in the application itself. These data will allow the people to gen-erate their own information around the topic, through communication tools, designed exclu-sively for water communication between the citizen and the citizen and the managing body. The research was based on the theories of Mendonça and Talbot (2013) which highlight the growing social participation in Brazil since the 1980s. Following de Moraes (2018) who places the media in particular by using the internet as a great ally for organization of territories. And the Brazil Digital Go-vernance Policy (Decree 8.638 / 2016) that considers Information and Communication Technology-ICT a strategy that corroborates the institutional and technical processes to reach, disseminate and make use of information. The nature of the research is applied in the construction process of e-Águas Parintins, which allows direct or indirect com-munication between the people and the institutions responsible for the management and inspec-tion of the environment and water resources. As the basis for creating the app, the Appy Pie platform was used, which has an intuitive interface, with easy-to-use tools. The research is qualitative with library services, video portal and water quiz aimed at water education. Other services are curiosities, laws at the federal, state and municipal levels are informative and the services “Citizen Speech and Scheduling” ensure interactivity between the people and the man-agement body. All the tools developed for the app, its efficiency was tested during its construc-tion. As a result, the construction of e-Água Parintins and the data on the use of tools in the format of Office Excel spreadsheets were presented in the explanatory sequence. E-Águas Parintins showed effectiveness in its tools as a means of communication, which can contribute to the participatory management of water resources in Parintins /AM. Keywords: Water resources. Information and communication technology. Participative ma-nagement.



ALMEIDA, Maria Neide Sousa de. e-Água Parintins: caminho digital de comunicação para a gestão participativa dos recursos hídricos em Parintins/AM. 2020. 112 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Gestão e Regulação de Recursos Hídricos) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins - AM.



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