O direito à segurança pública e os indígenas Ticuna do alto Solimões

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This study aimed at revealing the existence of repressed demand for public security in the indigenous communities located at Alto Solimões, Belém do Solimões, and Umariaçu I and II regions, in Tabatinga (in the state of Amazonas). In order to conduct the task, we applied the method of Exploratory Research through documental and bibliographical research, based on public documents, such as reports (of institutional meetings, public meetings, interviews with indigenous representatives), administrative procedures, lawsuits and bibliographic material. There is a hint of violent situations that often do not reach the police because of language, geographical and cultural barriers, and are thus sub-registered. The filed visits happened in the Project of Indigenous Participative Census (JanuaryMarch/2014 – School of Social Studies/UFAM), when the researcher participated in the project of Communities Umariaçu I and II; as a board president of General Elections/2014 (October/2014 – TRE/AM), in the Community of Belém do Solimões; and in Public Meetings in Belém do Solimões, as an advisor of the Federal Public Ministry. The collected documentary data allowed us to determine that the effort of the State is based on combating drug traffic and smuggling. This reveals the difficulties to implement public security in the region, due to the lack of workforce, besides the Amazonian dimensions. The sporadic operations carried out through institutional cooperation violate the right to public security of rural communities, which is latent and requires everyday actions from the community. We also aimed to understand that the State choking the indigenous initiatives to guarantee their public security is goes against the diversity recognition. Brazil is not only incapable of accepting solutions for the violence problems embodied in the Indigenous Police of Alto Solimões, in Tabatinga, or the indigenous guard of Dourados (in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul), but it also relegates these citizens to a level of undercitizenship, by forbidding their access to a decent life through ensuring public security in their communities. By way of suggesting a model that is capable of respecting the diversity, we list the strategy of the “guardia indígena” from the North Cauca, in Colombia, biased by ensuring citizen participation and appropriating the pact of Convention 169; it has the freedom to exist, act and ensure respect within their own nation state.





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