A experiência das "Metas Nacionais implantadas pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça" como elemento de efetividade da Lei Maria da Penha (Lei n° 11.340/06) no Tribunal de Justiça do Amazonas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Violence against women is a complex problem. It is a significant health problem, education, human rights abuse and an obstacle to gender equality, posing challenges to coping policies. The law of equality is a principle with legal provision since the Federal Constitution of 1924, but only with the Constitution of 1988 consolidated the right to equality between men and women. Law 11.340 / 06 aims to ensure the protection of women and the severity of the perpetrator, to create mechanisms to curb domestic and family violence against women. Among specialized services, the law affirms the creation of Specialized Courts to combat violence against women, with emphasis on art. 8, which states that measures of integrated protection should observe the implementation of public policy aimed at curbing domestic and family violence against women. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation was to present the speed and procedural efficiency through the execution of public policies with the creation of the National Goals established by the National Council of Justice in 2009, has been gaining strength every year and, being executed by all As the object of research, the 2nd Specialized Court to Combat Domestic and Family Violence Against Women of the Court of Justice of Amazonas, where the national targets will be 1 (Judge more process than the ones distributed ), goal 2 (Judging older processes), and goal 8 (Strengthening the network of domestic and family coping against women), which consequently provided for the creation of the Justice for Peace project at home, among others developed in specialized courts. quantitative, consisting of ethnographic in the 2nd JECVDF. In this context, the goals proved to be effective, since the Specialized Court reached goal 1, in all months of 2018, goal 2 with the deadline stipulated until 12/31/2018, was also reached, as well as the goal 8. In this way, the projects developed in goal 8 are results of goals 1 and 2, therefore, public policies that result in speed and procedural efficiency.





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