Limites da accountability em perspectiva: guia educativo sobre transparência de gastos com a segurança pública no Amazonas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


To produce an educational technology that contributes to the strengthening of social accountability, by the Amazonian citizen, about public safety expenditures in Amazonas. Methods: Methodological study whose path followed for the production of educational technology was supported by three phases: evaluation of transparency portals, analysis of public expenditure on public security in Amazonas and the production of an educational guide. The first two phases resulted in the preparation of two manuscripts, with a quantitative approach, using basic descriptive statistics for data analysis, while the third phase culminated in the elaboration of a TechnicalTechnological Product (PTT) classified as teaching material. Results: The results, presented in the form of two manuscripts, showed that, despite the existence of transparency portals in the states and the Federal District, only Paraná fully meets the basic criteria set out in the Access to Information Law, which is the state with the best overall assessment, along with Piauí, with 91.4% of the criteria met (32 out of a total of 35 criteria). The state of Amazonas ranked seventh overall and second in the northern region with 77.1% of criteria met (27 out of a total of 35 criteria). Based on the data available on this portal, it was found that 12.14% (11.88 billion reais) of everything that was spent by the State Executive Branch (97.83 billion reais), in the period from 2015 to 2020, was applied in the public security function, of which only 4.26% (0.51 billion reais) were directed to the specific sub-functions of policing, civil defense, normalization and inspection, and information and intelligence. if twelve times less than with communication. The Military and Civil Police concentrate, respectively, 54.17% and 28.21%, or if we consider the sum of both, 82.38% of the total expenditure of the Public Security System, which, in turn, allocates 82.33% of all your expenses in Pessoal e Encargos Sociais. Based on this information analyzed, a technicaltechnological product (PTT) was prepared at the end of this dissertation, entitled ‘Guide you, bro! A guide to monitoring public security expenses in Amazonas', containing 27 pages, having been registered as an electronic book, in Portable Document Format (PDF), under the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) number 978-65-990640- 6-7, being, therefore, framed in the nature of new media (e-book), aiming to reach a larger number of citizens, mainly those residing in municipalities in the interior of Amazonas through the internet. Final Considerations: The educational technology produced, as it is a guide that aims to present concepts related to transparency, budget, accountability, types of control and access to information, as well as to bring information about the expenses signed by the State Executive Power in the area of public security, in the period from 2015 to 2020, in clear and accessible language, will be able to mediate educational work with society in order to awaken the Amazonian citizen to the importance of monitoring the resources destined for the public security area in the state of Amazonas, in order to serve as a link between the data made available by the Government, in compliance with current legislation and in compliance with the principle of transparency, and the taxpayer and user of public services, in order to make them aware of the importance of their right to information for the exercise of citizenship, allowing the performance of its supervisory role, from the use of the Portal of the Amazon Transparency.





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