Concepções alternativas da disciplina física no primeiro ano do ensino médio em uma escola pública da cidade de Manaus

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The research presented here is as important to identify what are the alternative conceptions present in the Physics course of the first year of high school in a public school in Manaus. The theoretical and methodological basis of this work is based on Pietrocola (1995), Mortimer (1995), Bachelard (1996), Lev Vygotsky (2005), Chassot (2003), Moreira (2006), and Mavanga (2007). In the survey participated in one (1) physics teachers and thirty-nine (39) students, it was used to collect tools and technical data such as interview, questionnaire and observation, and the Bardin content analysis. The main results show that the alternative conceptions are only worked as common sense and scientific knowledge often is not addressed properly. It also draws a parallel between the teaching of science and alternative concepts and how they can contribute to the teaching and learning. We also present some preconceptions of students and how they should be met by teachers





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