A integração da atividade policial no contexto disciplinar: corregedoria única como instrumento de controle social

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This work presents the first scientific research in the State of Amazonas which aims to analyze the model of single Magistrate deployed by State Law 3278/2008, as a form of internal control of the activity of public safety in the state of Amazonas in terms creation, discipline the actions of General Office System, contemplating disciplinary regime affect all organs that compose it: Civilian, Military, Fire Department and state Department of traffic Police. Thus, we will analyze the model and the role of internal control and disciplinary regime itself in Amazonas State, as well as its performance and disciplinary aspects, through the data since the entry into force of the IA single model in 2008 to the year 2013 and the end we will examine the responsibilities and challenges that the agency has, with proposals for the best performance of the internal control of the state public security, taking into account the peculiarities of an activity, which by its nature involves excellence and high exposure to violent context.





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