Plantas alimentícias não convencionais (PANC) - a divulgação científica das espécies na cidade de Manaus
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The Non-Conventional Food Plants - PANC, has been gaining space in the media, academic
works, supermarkets, fairs and also in the homes of consumers of these vegetables. This
research aimed to verify whether or not the scientific dissemination of the species of
unconventional food plants found in the city of Manaus, highlighting its potential as a food
resource for the Manauara population has occurred. The research sites were five fairs of the
city of Manaus, being: Municipal Producer Fair; Manaus Modern Fair; Crowned Fair; Fair of
the Dawn and Fair of the SEPROR. As data collection technique we used the Case Study,
which allows us to use a variety of data collection instruments. Thus, for this work, we use the
interview, the direct observation, the field diaries and the physical artifacts to have a greater
understanding about our investigated object. As a way of analyzing the data, we used the
Content Analysis, associated to TTR (type token ratio) that provided the necessary indicators
for the analysis. Therefore, we identified three indicators (categories) present in this study that
were: i) The use of PANC; ii) The dissemination of the PANC; iii) The importance of NonConventional Food Plants (NRPs). It is worth mentioning that the analytical categories are the
same indicators also found from the TTR (token ratio) technique, thus validating the entire
categorization process. For each category / indicator found, we write explanatory text. In the
category of PANC use, we observe that they are widely used by people, but with the
nomenclature of medicinal plants, and these people use them without knowing their food
potential, thus causing the species to be considered only as medicinal, not knowing the food
associations for these species. In the category of dissemination of PANC, we frequently
observe the lack of knowledge of the population about food properties and even the
identification of species suitable for food. However, the food issue of the species was always
conjugated to medicinal property, which is something very present in our records. Many
interviewees have pointed to television as one of the means by which food plants could be
widely disseminated, as well as citing other media such as books and exhibitions. The third
category, which is the importance of PANC, is intimately linked to the family issue where
most people associate importance with some healing effect or preparation to solve something,
where we again perceive the association of PANC with medicinal plants. In this category the
words mother, grandmother and family are very recurrent, thus evidencing the importance of
the family in the transmission of this knowledge. Therefore, we understand that the lack of
information on unconventional food plants contributes to its lack of knowledge. We believe
that the role of dissemination of these species associated with their importance is a key
landmark for the dissemination of this knowledge that can not be prevented from future
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