Revista ciência hoje das crianças: ferramenta educativa para o ensino de ciências e incentivo á pesquisa
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The Scientific Divulgation conveyed through magazine CHC (Ciência Hoje das
Crianças), with emphasis on Science Education, emerges as source of scientific
knowledge for a young audience, in formation and layman. This can act as a support
tool for students as well for teachers. However, believing that not everything can be
presented in a scientific magazine, it was sought to analyze, through Bardin (1977),
the themes more submitted, the little mentioned and those that are topics not
presented. It was saw also the criticality, the interdisciplinarity that this periodic
exposes, in order to direct the student to reflect as participatory individual of actual
society, a man imbued with reading and research and prepared for new types of
conduct. It was treated a qualitative research, with bibliographical survey of 61
magazines since 2010 to the first half of 2015. The research, with subsequent content
analysis, led to the finding of facts related to the themes, authors, narratives and other
information also scientific not mentioned in periodic. It was used guiding principles
those were cited in the PCN of natural sciences, revealing, thus, relations of power in
the Scientific Divulgation. The CHC has fulfilled parts of its function about disseminate
science; meanwhile, conversely, it has proven to be like an obstacle to contemporary
Science by not submitting of multiple angles of reality, reproducing the informations,
through which it make it simplistic.
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