As aulas de campo em espaços não-formais no curso de licenciatura em ciências biológicas da Universidade Estadual de Roraima (UERR)

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


By considering the importance of the Not Formal Educational Spaces for the Education in Sciences, this study had as objective to investigate how the lessons field in Not Formal Spaces, performed into the course of the biological sciences of State University of Roraima – UERR, gave to the future teacher a pedagogic praxis based on the construction and production of knowledge. The theoretical framework was based on Freinet (1998, 2004, 2010), Freire (1996), Gadotti (1995), Soares (2010), Chassot (2003 e 2004). The methodological process was composed by a quality approach by using bibliographical survey technicalities, participant observation and analysis of the questionnaire applied to the biological sciences course’s instructors besides the students of the same course who took part in the survey. The methodological process had as result the analysis of the lessons field which solution indicates the importance of the Not Formal Spaces used by UERR’s biological sciences course for improving the teaching and learning, the construction and production of the knowledge by contributing to the development of the science teaching by helping to overcome the difference between theory and practice by giving in fact the necessary support for the performance of the future teachers. The pedagogic practice, developed in the lessons field in Not Formal Spaces, shown by itself several challenges to the biological sciences course’s instructors by contributing to the knowledge construction. As we can see, the emotion and the sensation, felt during the lessons field in Not Formal Spaces, developed the learning of the contents by helping to understand the reality besides the possibility realized through the motivation and interaction between student and instructor as the base for the construction and production knowledge process besides to offer a transformer pedagogic practice being able to improve the future teachers’ professional practice. Key-words: Education in Sciences. Not Formal Spaces. Pedagogic Practice. Construction and Production of the Knowledge.





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