A eficácia dos programas de governo da área de segurança pública no Amazonas: uma análise a partir das metas estabelecidas no Plano Plurianua
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Public security in Amazonas is one of the areas that demand the most attention
from the State and, consequently, where significant amounts of public resources
are applied. In this sense, government action requires planning and the Multi-Year
Plan (PPA) is presented as one of the instruments that assist in this function, given
that it contemplates the objectives and goals of the government for a period of four
years. However, it is important to know how effective the State has been in this
regard and whether its goals have been achieved in recent years. Thus,
considering the content of the Government of Amazonas Multi-Year Plans for the
periods 2012-2015 and 2016-2019, the present research consisted of analyzing
the performance regarding the effectiveness of the budgetary actions outlined in
these plans. Through indicators based on physical goals (Physical Goal Indicator -
IMF) and financial (Financial Goal Indicator - IMD) defined for the actions and
programs of the multi-year plans selected for study and, using descriptive and
inferential statistics techniques analyzes of the collected data were developed,
collected especially from the Annual Evaluation Reports. From the result of the
Hypothesis Testing with the average of the indicators (T Test), no significant
differences in performance were identified between the plans analyzed. During the
period of effectiveness of each plan, changes in the planned actions were found,
which even resulted in the discontinuation of programs. As for effectiveness, most
of the budgetary actions analyzed did not reach the physical and financial goals
proposed in the PPA in its initial version. There was also evidence of undersizing
targets that impacted the results of the indicators of some actions. Budgetary
actions were also identified without any disbursements made during the period of
effectiveness of the plans. It is important to note that the present research was
limited to a quantitative analysis of the data collected, without going into depth
regarding the effectiveness of the actions studied and any influences of external
and internal factors, which may be the object of future research studies. The
research is expected to contribute to promoting the monitoring of government
actions, being useful for public managers, supervisory bodies and society.
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