Os percalços enfrentados pelos delegados de polícia quanto aos casos de violência sexual na depca

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Since ancient times, children and adolescents are victims of sexual violence. However, certain historical moments provide changes regarding this life phase. Hence, the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 represents a watershed in terms of children and juvenile care, consecrated in the principle of integral protection. This conquest prompted to form a protection network, to which the Police Department for Child and Adolescent Protection is integrated – a squad responsible for investigating cases of sexual violence involving minors. The present research ponder over problems and challenges faced by the Specialized Police precinct for the Protection of Children and Adolescents of Manaus/AM (DEPCA), to restrain this criminal practice. This study is based on bibliographical research and interviews with the police force and psychologists who performed their duties at DEPCA in the years 2015 and 2016. The results show the effort and the overcharging nature of work of these professionals to attend the victims and solve the cases that come to their knowledge, whilst it was possible to verify limitations on the DEPCA’s operative influx due to case complexity and lack of means and human resources to hold perpetrators responsible and ensure an effective victims protection program.





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