A floresta como cura : mulheres, conhecimentos tradicionais e a promoção da saúde em comunidades da floresta nacional de Tefé

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Women farmers, throughout human history, have used their own techniques and modes of production to maintain life in the community, based on knowledge developed and improved over the years, using local resources. The present work presents the following research problem: How do women in the communities maintain their traditional knowledge for the preservation of life in the forest? Traditional knowledge is considered in this research to be knowledge produced informally and collectively, which does not have a precise origin in time and is transmitted orally to new and successive generations. It has the potential to be allied to the theme of cultivation in the forest. They are evidenced as practices that women, with all their ancestral wisdom, develop for the benefit of the community. The general objective of this dissertation is to understand how the women of the communities maintain their traditional knowledge for the preservation of life in the community, and how agroecological principles appear in the promotion of health. The present research is qualitative in the area of collective health. It was carried out as a study characterized as "state of the art", i.e., as a critical review of studies and publications in journals related to traditional knowledge and community women, interviews were conducted with semi-structured script and participant observation in the communities Bom Jesus and São Francisco de Bauana located in the municipality of Alvarães, within the Tefé National Forest (FLONA) involving six women





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