O princípio da prevenção e a responsabilidade civil por danos ao meio ambiente do trabalho

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This paper discusses the application of the principle of prevention and responsibility civil object for damages to the work environment. The study was conducted by analyzing the Brazilian legislation and doctrine, notably through the study of the concept environment, the structuring principles of environmental law and environmental features of the work to achieve it the applicability of the principle of prevention as well as institute of randomly occurring damage liability arising from the imbalance of the conditions in working environment. In this context, it was found that the prevention principle, is considered fundamental principle of environmental law, not to be confused with the precautionary principle, and autonomous principles. In this context, the lack of employer's duty of care, which causes damage to the employee, shall give rise to civil liability for damages to the work environment, which in the case of aspect of the environment, responsibility civil will be applied objectively, ensuring greater protection health, safety and lives of workers. It was found that the law recognizes the application of responsibility civil object for damages to the work environment, before the damage to life and health of workers. Keys-word: Prevention Principle. Environment Work. Damage. Responsibility civil objective





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