A formação continuada integrada das polícias estaduais no Amazonas: análise, reflexões e resultados
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Experience in the process of integration of Police Forces in Amazonas State seeks to enforce
the principles of preventive policing, qualified repression of violence and the combination of
efficiency with human rights and citizenship. The objective of the study is to describe and
discuss the results achieved through this integration, based on the following aspects: 1) the
development and use of performance indicators; 2) preparation and carrying out of integrated
standard operating procedures; and 3) integrated, common continuing education to the state
police forces. The approach is deductive and the procedure used method was the case study.
The data were collected by the statistical sector of the Ministry of Public Security in Amazon
and timely analysis of them, aimed at assessing the extent to which the above aspects have
enabled the realization of those principles. The used literature sources discuss the issues
concerning public security, urban violence, citizenship and human rights. The results raised to
the conclusion that, as a result of this integration, the establishment of crime indicators,
productivity and detailed operating costs, coupled with continued training practices of public,
has been possible to improve the security services provided to the community, make the
processes of more efficient management, better qualify the subjects in facing daily
professional adversity.
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