Manaus, os rastros da matriz histórica - as marcas da memória urbana enfrentada ao vestígio iconográfico

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The city of Manaus, a particularizing case of the implantation of a dominant productive model, on a global scale, in a place of symbolic - mythical origin where its inhabitants established their ways of doing and built a city that is characterized by spatial complexity, the difficulty in planning urban soil, spatial segregation and the creation of aesthetic codes proper to this disruption. The modes of production of space, its economic determinism and its dependencies conceptually contrast with photography as a dialectically opposed discursive tool. In the understanding of this territory, multiple epistemologies are interdisciplinarity intertwined, resulting in a scientific and artistic view, both rational and symbolic, the spatially measurable complement with the subjective language of the iconographic image. Photography is presented as a process of causality of what we do not have a domain for, the Kantian explanation expresses the whole sense of subjectivity and the lack of control of reality, antagonistically we seek in the Marxist interpretation of the productive processes implanted here a compatibility that does not exist with sense from the symbolic understanding, in this point the mythical component appears as an indispensable part in the interpretation of our local realities, considered essential in the belonging of the societies in Latin America, this characteristic of ambivalence is a value of our cultures that knew how to adapt to the processes of coloniality. Finally, to recognize the value of the planning role of the professional urbanist architect to be able to re-signify the maximum sense of his social function.





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