A natureza da ciência das visões deformadas à rejeição
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This research allowed to attend our main objective: to determine the relationship between "contemporary vision" of teachers and high school students about the nature of science and the rejection phenomenon (unpleasant physiological, cognitive and behavior reactions) during the learning-teaching process of Science and Mathematics; with 44 students as subjects from different undergraduate courses in higher education institutions of the city of Manaus-AM. The methodological procedures has a qualitative approach, including content analysis, questionnaires, etc. The results show that the rejection to Mathematics (and science) "traumatically" takes place in a teaching and learning environment which emphasizes a rigid and algorithmic view of the nature of Science. Based at the results found in this research, those involved in Science and Mathematics teaching process should not only be concerned with the understanding of natural phenomena, with the development of logical reasoning, among others; but also provide the student the acquisition of an adequate view, more humane about the nature of Science and Mathematics, encouraging students to overcome previous ideas. Keywords: Warped Views of Science. Rejection to Mathematics. Science and Mathematics Teaching.
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