Neurociência e os processos cognitivos: práticas pedagógica e perspectivas da aprendizagem no ensino de ciências nos anos iniciais
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This study is focused on a Neuroscience and Cognitive Processes, and aims to analyze how
neuroscience contributions in relation to cognitive processes, que facilitate as pedagogical
practices of teachers and learning in Science Teaching. It is known que teachers need to
establish connections with OS brain CONTENT, Scientific and Technological Knowledge,
searching YOUR Continuing Education initial UO, Understanding, acquisition and use of
neuroscience Fundamentals que possible to develop skills, skills to motivate, teach with
innovative strategies , reflective, able to facilitate the best possible way to optimize learning. We
opted As a descriptive study of exploratory nature essentially qualitative. For Obtaining Data
were held Bibliographical Research, participant observation, talk, Questionnaires and
applicability of workshops with neuroscientific approaches. The sample consisted of 17
professors, 01 managers and 01 pedagogue of a municipal public school que submitted
proposed AOS resources, allowed to answer the research objectives. Among OS Various
Authors What underlie this study include: Relvas (2000, 2012), Resende (2008), Oliveira (2011),
Cosenza (2011), Metring (2011) and Morin (2005) and War (2010), Vigotsky (2007) Piaget
(2007), Ausubel (1978), Freire (2001). The results showed the need for paragraph Teachers use
a Cognitive Neuroscience How paragraph contribution as strengthen their teaching practices
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