Efetividade dos controles de pragas das sementes e mudas de Aniba rosaeodora Duck

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


There is very few information referring to pests on seeds and seedlings of rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) available in the scientific literature. Some studies indicate that the insect identified as Heilipus odoratus Vanin & Gaiger (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Molytinae) has a high occurrence in the experimental plantations of the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve in Manaus. In the forest nurseries of the Laboratory of Forestry and Digital Technologies (LASTED / INPA), it was observed that 50% of the seedlings presented damages to the terminal shoots and leaves. The need to improve the pest control methods in the nursery stage stimulated us to elaborate a proposal to evaluate the effects of chemical and biological treatment on the seeds of A. rosaeodora and their influence on the initial development of the seedlings in the first nine months of age, as well as the virulence capacity of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. on H. odoratus in adulthood. The experiments were carried out at the Laboratories of Silviculture and Mushroom Farming belongs to the National Institute for Amazonian Research. The results demonstrate that the chemical treatment was more efficient in the seeds collected from the tree canopy than those collected on the forest floor. The biological treatment in seeds increased the germination rates, fact that made possible the production of more seedlings suitable for planting. Spraying with B. bassiana on adult beetles of H. odoratus showed capacity of virulence at concentrations 1x107 conidia.mL. It was concluded that the chemical and biological control of the pests that prey on rosewood seeds and seedlings was effective, besides representing a new source of research for developing later studies with emphasis in the area of Silviculture and Plant Biotechnology. Key Words: Beauveria bassiana, Heilipus odoratus, Chemical treatment, Plant nursery.





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