Analogias e metáforas no ensino de ciências: vivências e experiências docentes em ambientes virtuais
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Analogy and metaphors, which etymologically mean similarities between things and proper sense to the figurative, have been used in everyday life, in the evolution of science and as a teaching and learning resource, aiming to facilitate communication. Given this assumption, the aim of this paper is to narrate the challenges faced by teachers on the use of analogies and metaphors to teach science in virtual environments in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. Aiming to answer the problems that guided the research, the ways that teachers use analogies and metaphors as a teaching resource, how the teaching and learning process takes place in virtual teaching environments and what teachers say about the importance of science teaching in their classes. In order to do so, eight primary school teachers were considered, who answered a questionnaire and an interview. The results show that the investigated teachers use analogies and metaphors in a spontaneous way without any defined planning, although they understand the importance of its use as a teaching resource. About the virtual teaching environments, the results show that teachers are increasingly overcoming the obstacles arising from technologies, it is possible to highlight the potential of virtual environments in the process of teaching and learning, teachers also highlight the importance of science teaching, which according to the results, science teaching can help considerably in the construction of new attitudes regarding scientific knowledge.
Key-words: Analogies and metaphors. Science Teaching. Virtual environments
Translated with (free version)
SOUZA, Fabiane Carbajal de. Analogias e metáforas no ensino de ciências: vivências e experiências docentes em ambientes virtuais. 2021. 132 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação e Ensino de Ciências na Amazônia) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.