Casa de discussão: uma análise da produção da norma a partir do campo do conselho de gestão do patrimônio genético
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The present work intends to analyse the construction process of the norm in the field of access
to genetic assets and the associated traditional knowledge, considering the legal acts inside
CGEN – Genetic Assets Management Council – and their relationship with biotechnology
science and traditional lore. The presented data was gathered through documental research,
where meeting records and norms produced by CGEN and its Thematic Chambers, since the
Council‘s creation until the year 2011, where examined. The access and benefit sharing
started to be legaly adressed in an international scope at the Convention on Biological
Diversity – CDB and, in Brazil, through the Provisional Measure MP 2.186-16/2001. These
norms have emerged as concourse spaces for juridic, scientific, biotechnological and
traditional knowledge discourses. In the biotechnology field it is treated according to
Bourdieu (2010), whereas the traditional knowledge is considered inseparable from the lives
of the communities who hold it (ALMEIDA, 2008). The norm, in this context, is presented as
a discourse, according to Foucault (2011) and Miaille (2005), and as a conservative force for
social inequalities (WOLKMER, 2003). The presented data suggest the reproduction of the
general tendency inside CGEN to produce the norm as a discourse, pointing to a likely
predominance of discourses related to biotechnology in detriment of those related to the
defence of the interests of those detaining the traditional knowledge.
Key-words: CDB, Genetic assets and associated traditional knowledge. CGEN. Norm.