Responsabilidade Pós-Consumo: a aplicação da logística reversa na destinação dos resíduos decorrentes do encerramento da cadeia produtiva

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The increased awareness about the nature´s preservation needs and the certainty about the finitude of natural resources, forced Environmental Law to structure itself to prevent environmental damage or, in cases of already caused harms, to garantee mechanisms for its reparation, through the responsabilization of the causing agents. The environmental civil responsability draws out the subjectiveness of agent´s guilt, demanding only the existence of the causation relation between the damage and the pollution source. In this context, this study aims on analyzing the Post Consume Responsability which obligates the producer to provide an environmentally correct final destination to the residues left from the use and consume of its products. It will be analyzed, therefore, the general aspects which characterize the point source responsability and the environmental rules which regulate this issue.





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