Educação e reeducação psicomotora por meio de jogos e brincadeiras nas escolas de Parintins

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The current article arose from the lived experience during the course of an extension project entitled “Psychomotor Reeducation with students with learning problems from 1st till 3rd grade from a municipal elementary schools in Parintins. The purpose was to develop the psychomotor reeducation with students, showing to the teachers that is possible do them without being necessary to stop working the schools educational proposal, however, fitting in activities suggested to a methodology which allows to the student to develop necessary basic skills for literacy process. The surveying of theoretical about education and psychomotor reeducation and the role of playing at the cognitive, social and emotional development for child is supported in researches made by Meur and L. Staes (1991), Alves (2008), Faber and Souza (2008), among others. Then, the participating observation was carried out at the researched schools. Subsequently the planning and developing the workshops of body schema, laterality and pre-writing, and finally, the workshops were taken place at the schools. Results presents that one of the factors which cause such difficulties to learn is due to psychomotor disturbances that result in problems, like: mirror writing, incorrect path of letters, hypertonia and among others found in the schools where we performed the activities of the extension project. Therefore the experiences acquired through this project had significant contributions for our development, for it brought greater understanding about how much important Education and Psychomotor Reeducation are, contact with the municipal schools and the possibility to intervene in reality. Keywords: Psychomotor Reeducation. Learning Problems. Games and Child's play.



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