Influência e parâmetros físicos na atividade oxidativa do fungo hexagonia glabra (p.beauv) ryvarden

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The fungi are known as the main decomposers in the earth, breaking the organic matter and recycling the carbon, the nitrogen, and others components that are released in the soil and in the air. The fungi are metabolite producers that have industrial interest as antibiotics and enzymes that represent a great world market, and these microorganisms are used in bioremediation, biopolpation, biologic control of plague, etc. The Biotechnology is an investigation area that explores biologic systems, microbial, or in animals and vegetables cultures, aim to have the products for industrial interest, where the fungi has many uses already applied and many others that have to be discovered, that is why the fungi needs more studies that explores the biotechnological potentials from them for the actual needs. The aim of this work was evaluating the influence of physical variables that influence the growth, the biomass production and the activity from ligninolytic enzymes, in four different cultivation mediums from Hexagonia glabra (P.Beauv.) Ryvarden. The biomass production from Hexagonia glabra was directly influenced by the cultivation mediums and the pH’s. The H. glabra fungi produced different biomass values in the pH’s and mediums tested. The best biomass production from H. glabra was checked in pH 6 at the cará roxo medium and the lesser biomass production was at the pH 5 in sugar cane bagasse. The fungi Hexagonia glabra produced Laccase, Lignin Peroxidase (LiP) and Manganese Peroxidase (MnP) in all the cultivation medium and pH’s tested. In this work, the best ligninolytic enzymes production was in the cultivation medium from sugar cane bagasse in all pHs tested. The results affirm the good thermal stability of Laccase and Lignin Peroxidase (LiP), which these enzymes maintained its activities, showing that they can be used in industrial proceedings.





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