Competências e habilidades do educador matemático : um diálogo a partir do estágio supervisionado

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


An investigation based on skills and abilities requires prudence and daring, considering that these terms are almost "forbidden" in the educational sphere, even if they are present in most Brazilian legal documents. The challenge is widened when this study rests in the field of Mathematics Education. Thinking about skills and abilities requires certainty that there are no ready and finished subjects. Although the documents list an expected profile of a graduate, we know and recognize that professional identity is built, rebuilt and strengthened at all times. This research arises from personal concerns about the formative process of the mathematical educator, considering the negative experiences with mathematics in Basic Education. In order to do this, we invoke participant research through a qualitative-quantitative approach, where through questionnaires, interviews and direct observations, we seek to reflect on the profile of the mathematics teacher. Besides that, we developed a plan of action to clarify the study of skills and abilities, and this was developed with academics of the discipline of Supervised Curricular Internship I of the degree course in Mathematics of the Normal Higher School (ENS) of the State University of Amazonas (UEA). Therefore, the general objective of the research is to analyze how the supervised internship can contribute to the reflection about the competences and abilities of the Mathematical Educator. This research reinforces that the internship classes are excellent moments to discuss and broaden horizons regarding the formation of mathematics teachers, especially if they are anchored in the open dialogue with the class. Wherefore, the research contributes to the advancement of Mathematics Education in Higher Education, as well as strengthens the discussions about the Supervised Internship, besides prioritizing the reflexive exercise in future mathematics teachers about the skills and abilities inherent in the teaching of Basic Education. Keywords: Skills and Abilities. Mathematical Educator. Supervised internship





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